Many people did not know that here at Nolan Business Solutions we are one of the leading Dynamics GP support providers in the UK. Historically many people think of Nolan Business Solutions as a Dynamics GP developer.  Well, recently we have been seeing more and more enquiries and it seems that the word is out that we provide great support for core Dynamics GP as well.  In the last couple of months we have had over 10 users approach us from the existing  Dynamics GP user community here in the UK. I think the reason people are starting to move to us for their Dynamics GP Support  is really quite simple:-

  • We’re big enough (about 45 people) to provide a reliable and really good quality support desk
  • Small enough to treat everyone as an individual customer
  • No other reseller has the same level of in house skill and expertise with Dynamics GP right down to source code level expertise
  • No other reseller offers such comprehensive range of services and software within the Dynamics GP support contract
  • Our reputation for Dynamics GP development is giving people added confidence that whatever they want from their system they know the answer from Nolan Business Solutions can be YES.

With this in mind I am constantly challenging our Team to look at new ways we can add more value to our customers.  It can be quite a challenge in the current economic and competitive environment, but I am constantly rewarded by the way our guys are thinking and we are finding really interesting ways to help people get more from their system (and that’s before spending any more money) - the most recent example is the addition of a pack of pre written SmartLists – using SmartList Builder - that we have started to make available to our supported clients free of charge.   This is in addition to the webinars and free software add-ons that we are providing already. Watch this space for more innovative idea that bring our Dynamics GP users real value for money.  Just ask us if you would like to know more about how we could help you. If you got any ideas I’d love to hear them.

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