Sales Order Processing Import is a Nolan Business Solutions product developed to import Orders, Invoices and Returns into the Microsoft Business Solution Dynamics GP SOP module. Designed for our customers' requirements, it has the following features:
- Different file import formats allow for as few or as many fields as you need.
- Intelligent defaulting of values not supplied in the import files.
- Support for creating and updating of customers, addresses and items.
- Full Multicurrency support.
- Full support for the Euro functionality in Dynamics GP.
- Any Number of import definitions can be set up, each with different import files and import settings.
- Support for immediate imports, imports running at a set interval, and even imports running at scheduled times.
- Audit logs are kept for each import for later viewing and printing.
- Multi-Company support, SOP Documents can be imported into any Company.
- Import directly from SQL Interface tables or from CSV text files.
Before installing SOP Import, please ensure that there are no users logged into Microsoft Business Solutions Dynamics GP as this could adversely affect the installation process.
This process will need to be completed on all workstations on which Dynamics GP is installed. However, if Dynamics GP is run from a network (DYNAMICS.dic is installed in a network location), you only need to install to that location.
- Launch the install application.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the install. The install will confirm the location of Dynamics GP and will install the SOP Import chunk file into this directory.
- Once the install has completed, run Dynamics GP to load the chunk file.
Form security changes, additions to the menu structure, and any necessary file upgrades are not made during the previous application install process. Use the Install window to do these automatically by following the steps below. See Appendix B for information on which forms and menus will be affected.
- Make sure that no other users are logged into the system.
- Start Dynamics GP – if you log in using the ‘sa’ user, the install window will automatically be added to your shortcuts (go to step 7). You must login as ‘sa’ to install when using Dynamics GP on a SQL database.
- Open the ‘Shortcut Bar’ and select Add. Then select Other Window.
- Enter SOP Import Install into the Name field and then expand the Nolan Business Solutions SOP Import folder in the Available Windows list.
- Expand the Company Then find and select the Install SOP Import window in the list and push the Add button.
- Click on the Done button to close the Add Shortcut window.
- Select SOP Import Install from the Shortcut Bar. A window showing all the companies will appear, as illustrated below.
- To register SOP Import, enter your Registration Keys in the fields provided (You will have received these Registration Keys with your purchase of SOP Import). This is required to enable use of SOP Import in companies other than the sample company, ‘Fabrikam, Inc.’.
Note: The registration keys may have a built in expiry date. This information is displayed at the bottom of the window (to the left of the Install button).
- Click on the Register Button, you will receive a message indicating that the Registration was successful.
- For SQL Installations, make sure the Database option is ticked to create the tables on SQL, set permissions to them correctly and install stored procedures.
- Use the Mark/Unmark, Mark All and Unmark All buttons to mark all the companies to install SOP Import to. Finally, push the Install
The system automatically places all SOP Import windows on a new ‘SOP Import’ sub-menu on the affected Dynamics GP menus, for example Cards, Sales, SOP Import will then list each of the SOP Import setup screens.
Import Definitions
An Import Definition defines all the details which are used for an import. The import files, default batch, timing settings and many other options all need to be set up.
Import Definitions Maintenance Window
Cards >> Sales >> SOP Import >> Import Definitions
The functionality of each of the fields adhere to the standard lookups and zooms within Dynamics GP.
Import Type specifies whether this definition is designed to be run immediate, or to be run periodically on a schedule. Immediate imports will always be run as soon as they are started in the SOP Import Processing window. Scheduled imports can be run at either specified times, or on a regular interval of a set number of minutes. See information on the Import Period and Queue Times fields below for more details on timed imports.
Import Format indicates whether to import from the SQL Interface tables, or from CSV text files. In the case of text files, the drop-down list defines which of the two HDR formats are used in the import file. A full description of both formats appears in Appendix A.
Import Filename specifies the full pathname to the text file to import.
Save Filename specifies an optional text file to write successfully imported transactions to.
Rejects Filename specifies an optional text file to write rejected transactions to. When a transaction contains an error, it is written to this file.
Import Files specifies what will happen to an import file once it has been imported. ‘Never Delete’ will leave the import file as it is. ‘Delete If Successful’ will delete the import file if the whole file is imported successfully. ‘Always Delete’ will mean the import file is always delete, even if errors occurred.
Disable Date Masking in Filenames determines if the date placeholders should be processed in filenames. See the Filename Handling section on page 11 for more details.
Error Handling specified what will happen when an error is encountered in an import file. When set to ‘Reject whole import file’, the whole file will be rejected. When set to ‘Reject invalid transactions’, any transactions which are invalid are rejected, but valid transactions are still imported. All error messages are always recorded in the error file (the import filename with an .ERR extension).
Import Batch determines which SOP batch imported sales documents are created in. If the batch does not existing at the time of import, it will be created. If this field is blank, the batch will default to "SOP IMPORT".
General Import Options Window
Options button on Import Definitions Maintenance window
This window contains all the extra options relating to a normal import. Many options also apply to customer and item imports.
File Sequence Numbers determine how sequence numbers in file names are handled. If set to Sequential, the sequence number is substituted for the # characters in all filenames and then the number is incremented by one. Alternatively, a range of Sequence Numbers can be specified. If there is range, all files available in the range are imported every time the import is run. See the Filename Handling section on page 11 for more details.
Import Schedule specifies when the import will be run for scheduled definitions. Import Period specifies the interval between imports when the definition is run as Recurring. Queue Times contains a list of the times for the import to run if it is run as Queued.
File Formatting defines what characters are used in the import file to separate fields and to delimit field values. Fields can be separated by commas, tabs, or a user entered character. Values can be delimited by single quotes, double quotes, or a user entered character.
Date Format Mask Enter the mask, along with any separators, which describes how the date fields appear in the import file.
Here are some of the supported mask components -
DDD - Day number in the year. If no year is contained in the mask, it will be assumed that the year is the same as the year of the Dynamics GP user date.
d - Single digit day format, e.g 1 for the first, but 11 for the eleventh.
dd - Double digit day format, e.g. 01 for the first, 11 for the eleventh.
m - Single digit month format - as single digit day format.
mm - Double digit month format - as double digit day format.
MMM - Month name, e.g. JAN, FEB, MAR, etc.
yy - Double digit year, e.g. 05, 06, etc.
yyyy - Four digit year, e.g. 2005, 2006, etc.
Separators - Almost any character can be used as a separator, apart from those which would be interpreted as date mask characters, however, please ensure that the separators in the date mask are the same as those in that date string in the import file.
Here are some example dates and how their format would be represented
Date on file |
Format Option |
21/04/99 |
dd/mm/yy |
04/21/99 |
mm/dd/yy |
042199 |
mmddyy |
21/04/1999 |
dd/mm/yyyy |
045/99 |
DDD/yy ( day 45 of year 99) |
123/1999 |
DDD/yyyy ( day 123 of year 1999 ) |
21JAN1999 |
ddMMMyyyy |
21/FEB/99 |
dd/MMM/yy |
Dates with single digit day / month formats, e.g. dmyy, MUST contain a separator in the date, and thus also the date mask to allow the date decode routine to differentiate between the day and the month. For example, with a date of 11106 with a mask of dmyy, we do not know whether this is the 11th January 2006, or the 1st November 2006, so it is necessary to include separators in the date string in the import file, e.g. 1-11-06, and the date mask will then be d-m-yy.
N.B. This field must be populated when using text import files. If it isn't you will receive the error message - 'You Must Set Up A Date Format Mask On The General Import Options Definition Window Before You Can Run This Import' - when attempting to run an import. Sites which have upgraded from an earlier SOP Import release which had a different way of defining the date format may well receive this error if they haven't updated their format definitions before attempting an import.
QTY Type for Returns allows the default quantity type for returned items to be selected. This is only used if a RTN line is not found in the Return sales document.
Use Untitled Comments determines how comments on sales documents are handled. If ticked, comments imported will use a Comment ID of ‘*untitled’. If not ticked, a new Comment ID will be created for the comments for each transaction, using the SOP Number of the document as the Comment ID.
The Stock Shortage Options lists the available settings for when an imported item is not in stock. Reject All Order will reject the whole transaction, Override Shortage will import the item as normal leaving negative stock in the inventory, and Back Order Balance and Back Order All will place the required quantities on back order, if the item setup allows back ordering.
Customer Import Options Window
Customer button on Import Definitions Maintenance window
Update/Add Addresses determines how addresses are handled in the import. If ticked, address which do not exist in Dynamics GP are created using information from the import file. Also, addresses which do exist are updated with the values from the import file.
Create New Customers determines if non-existent customers should be created.
Default Class ID specifies the default class to use when creating new customers. The Customer Class ID field on ADR records overrides this.
Use Separate Files determines if a separate set of file should be used before the main transaction import. The files are specified by the Filename fields on this window. The import file should only contain ADR records.
Only Import Customers specifies that this Import Definition ID should only be created and/or updating customers and addresses. If ticked, only the import file given on this window is imported.
Item Import Options Window
Item button on Import Definitions Maintenance window
This window specifies options that deal with items.
Update Existing Items determines how items are handled in the import. If ticked, existing items are updated with the values from the import file.
Create New Items determines if non-existent items should be created.
Default Class ID specifies the default class to use when creating new items. The Item Class ID field on DTL records overrides this.
Use Separate Files determines if a separate set of file should be used before the main transaction import. The files are specified by the Filename fields on this window. The import file should only contain DTL records.
Only Import Items specifies that this Import Definition ID should only be create and/or updating items. If ticked, only the import file given on this window is imported.
Import Processing
The Import Processing window uses a specified Import Definition ID to import orders, invoices and returns into the Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing module.
Import Processing Window
Tools >> Routines >> Sales >> SOP Import >> Import Processing
(Also from Import button on Import Definitions Maintenance window.)
When an Import Definition is selected, the Processing Definition list is filled with the import options. This shows all information on what this import definition will do.
The Current Activity and Progress fields update during the import to show its progress.
Processing Description
An import process can be in up to three stages. If ‘Use Separate Files’ is on for either Customer or Item imports, these files are validated and imported first. Once these are complete, the main transaction file is read.
Import processing reads through the transaction import file and validates the Orders, Invoices and Returns it contains. If Error Handling is set to ‘Reject invalid transactions’, any transactions which pass validation are imported. If Error Handling is set to ‘Reject whole import file’, any error causes the whole file to be rejected.
By default, imported transactions are all placed in the batch specified in the Import Definition. This batch number can be overridden using the Batch Number field on the transaction header.
Once imported, the transactions are complete documents, just as they would be if they had been entered through Sales Transaction Entry. They can be posted, transferred, etc. just like a normal transaction.
Tax details will be created for the transactions according to the information in the import file. If no details are supplied, tax information is defaulted using information from the customer. Please note that Dynamics GP regularly recalculates all the tax information, so the imported tax details may be lost if a document is changed after import.
Once an Immediate import is complete, a window will be displayed showing any errors. These errors are also written to the import error file (the import file with an .ERR extension). This allows you to see the errors even when running a scheduled import, which will not display the errors window.
An audit is also kept of the imports. It records information such as the import file names, date, time and user. See the Import Audit section on page 12 for more details on viewing this audit information.
Filename Handling
Sequence Numbers
When running a scheduled import, it may be required that a different file is imported every time the import is run. Where these files will contain a sequential numeric, the places in the filename occupied by the sequential number may be substituted with # characters. For example:
An import filename of :C:Files/Inv####.csv will become :C:Files/Inv0001.csv on the first import, :C:Files/Inv0002.csv on the second import, and so on.
The number used for # replacement is defined in the File Sequence Numbers section of the import definition options. If this option is set to Sequential, a single file is imported each time the import runs and the sequence number is then incremented by one.
If File Sequence Numbers is set to Range, ‘From’ and ‘To’ sequence numbers are specified. When the import runs, all files in this range are be imported. Files which do not exist are ignored. For example:
From is set to 1 and To is set to 3. The import filename is :C:Files/Inv####.csv. Every time the import runs, it will attempt to import files :C:Files/Inv0001.csv, :C:Files/Inv0002.csv and :C:Files/Inv0003.csv.
When dates are used in the file names, the placeholders dd and mm can be used. These are replaced with the current day and month. E.g.
An import filename of :C:Files/Invddmm.csv will become :C:Files/Inv3003.csv when imported on the 30th March.
As filenames could contain dd or mm without wanting to have these replaced, the date replacement feature can be disabled using the Disable Date Masking option in the import definition.
Defaulting of Field Values
A sales document contains many more fields than are supplied in the import file definition. Additionally, many fields in the import file can be left blank. This section details where the values for all these fields are defaulted from.
If not supplied, the SOP Document ID is defaulted from the Sales Order Processing Setup window. This affects whether users are allowed to delete or void the transactions, which invoice type orders will raise when transferred to invoice, etc.
If an SOP Number is not given, it defaults to the next available document number for the Document ID of this transaction.
Customer related details, such as addresses, tax schedules, and shipping methods, are all defaulted from the Customer card. For invoices and returns, the customer related nominal accounts used when creating distributions are also defaulted from the Customer card.
Stock is, by default, allocated and fulfilled from the site specified in the Sales Order Processing setup window. See the Stock Handling section below for details on handling of stock levels and serial/lot number tracking.
The customer's Trade Discount percentage will default from the Customer card. It is then used to calculate a Trade Discount Amount based on the document's Subtotal value.
Item related details, such as unit cost, description, and tax schedule, are defaulted from the Inventory Item card. The Item related nominal accounts are also defaulted from the Inventory Item card. If no item price is supplied in the import file (the field contains nothing at all), the items will use their default price for this customer using the full Dynamics GP pricing mechanism. If you wish to have an item with zero price, you must specify 0 in the import file.
SOP Import will make use of multicurrency pricing when defaulting an item price For versions of Dynamics GP prior to 6, this requires Nolan Business Solutions’ Advanced SOP to be installed with Multicurrency Item Pricing being used. For Dynamics GP 6 and greater, the standard Inventory module supports multicurrency item pricing.
Stock Handling
When an item line is created, stock is allocated from the Site ID assigned to the line. If the Document ID for this transaction is not set to ‘Use Separate Fulfilment Process’, item lines are also fulfilled.
If serial or lot number tracking is enabled for the item, serial and lot numbers are automatically allocated. Note that for Returns, serial and lot numbers are not automatically allocated.
If you don’t want serial and lot numbers to be assigned automatically, Serial/Lot (SLN) lines can be used in the import file to specify exact serial or lot numbers to use. If there are insufficient numbers given to cover the line’s quantity, an error will be raised. If there are too many numbers given, any excess is ignored. Note that the serial or lot number must already exist in Dynamics GP before using them in a Serial/Lot line.
For Kit items, all components are individually allocated, and their serial or lot numbers allocated as required, just as for a normal item line.
If the import file includes component details (COM lines), these will be added as components on the kit. If the kit item already has default components setup in inventory, component details are not required in the import file.
If there is insufficient stock in the warehouse to fully allocate an item, or insufficient serial or lot numbers, whether for standard items or kit items, the ‘Stock Shortage’ option is used to determine what to do. Any stock shortages will be reported in the error messages window at the end of the import processing.
If any one item line is rejected from a transaction during import, the entire transaction will then be deleted, and any allocated stock and serial/lot numbers will be released.
Note that all stock handling happens after validation of the import file, so if a transaction is rejected at this stage, the rest of the transactions will continue to be imported. Error Handling of ‘Reject whole import file’ has no effect once validation is complete.
Import Auditing
Three windows are available for auditing the SOP Import. These are the Audit Enquiry, Audit Report and Audit Cleardown windows. These provide information for every import, detailing the files imported, the number of errors, and which items, customers and documents were created or updated.
Audit Enquiry Window
Enquiry >> Sales >> SOP Import >> Import Audit Enquiry
The enquiry window shows a complete list of all entries in the Import Audit file, showing the Definition ID used, date and time of import, import, save and reject file names, number of lines in the import file, number of errors found and the total value of the imported transactions.
Selecting an import audit line also displays the details for the import. This shows if a document has been created, an item has been created or updated, a customer has been created, and an address has been created or updated.
The Audit Report button provides a quick way of getting to the Audit Report window.
Audit Report Window
Reports >> Sales >> SOP Import >> Import Audit Report
The Audit Report window allows an audit report to be produced using restrictions to limit the output. Various options may be setup and saved.
The ‘In Detail’ specifies whether import details are printed on the report. Import details are show in the bottom window of the Audit Enquiry window.
The ranges available are Import Definition ID, Date and User ID. Use the From and To fields to enter the range required and then Insert it in to the Restrictions list. Use the Remove button to remove a restriction from the list.
The Destination button is used to specify where to print the report to. Destinations available include the screen, the printer or to a file. Any combination of these can be chosen.
The Delete button is used to delete unwanted report Options.
Audit Cleardown Window
Tools >> Routines >> Sales >> SOP Import >> Import Audit Cleardown
The cleardown window allows for the removal of entries in the Import Audit file. A range on the Import Definition ID and the Date of import can be specified. Only entries within these ranges will be cleared.
The Start and End Definition ID must be valid definitions. The lookup buttons will open the standard lookup displaying all existing Definition IDs.
The Cleardown button initiates the cleardown process with whatever ranges are specified on the window.
Appendix A: SOP Import File Format
The import file consists of comma-separated text lines organised in the following order:
CMP - Company to import to. Must be the first line of the file.
HDR - Document header in either Version 1.x or 2.0 format.
ADR - Address - supports more address information.
CMT - Comment - supports long comments for the document.
DTL - Item detail - may be several per header.
CMT - Comment - comment details for the item.
TAX - Tax details for the Item. May be several.
NOM - Nominal Account Overrides for Item. May be several.
SLN - Serial/Lot number details for Item. May be several.
COM - Item component detail. Optional. May be several per item.
NOM - Nominal Accounts for Component. May be several.
SLN - Serial/Lot number details for Component. May be several.
RTN - Return QTY- Returns Only. Optional return Amounts.
CMS - Commissions detail – may be several per document.
TAX - Tax details - may be several per document.
NOM - Nominal Accounts for the document. May be several.
PAY - Payment/Deposit Details for the document.
TRA - The documents tracking numbers.
Blank lines or lines beginning with a full stop ( ‘.’ ), a semicolon ( ‘;’ ) or a hash ( ‘#’ ) are ignored by the import.
Depending on the Import Definition’s Date Format, all dates should be in one of the following formats:
DD-MM-YY Format: ddmmyy, ddmmyyyy, or dd/mm/yyyy
MM-DD-YY Format: mmddyy, mmddyyyy, or mm/dd/yyyy
Note that dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy are not supported date formats.
When a year is given in two digits, the year is assumed to be in the range 1936 to 2035.
Text File Line Definitions
File Header
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Database/Directory |
5 |
Database Name for SQL. See Appendix D |
Header – Version 1.x
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Customer Number |
15 |
3 |
Document Number |
15 |
4 |
Document Date |
Date |
5 |
Customer Reference |
60 |
6 |
Comment 1 |
30 |
7 |
Comment 2 |
30 |
8 |
Address 1 |
30 |
9 |
Address 2 |
30 |
10 |
Address 3 |
30 |
City |
11 |
Address 4 |
10 |
State |
12 |
Blank Field |
Empty field. |
13 |
User ID |
15 |
14 |
Document Type |
3 |
ORD, INV, RTN. Defaults to ORD. |
15 |
Trade Discount Amt. |
Number |
16 |
Freight Amount |
Number |
17 |
Misc Amount |
Number |
18 |
Currency ID |
15 |
19 |
Exchange Rate |
Number |
Defaults using Document Date |
20 |
Default Site ID |
10 |
21 |
Requested Ship Date |
Date |
22 |
Shipping Method |
15 |
Defaults if blank |
Header – Version 2.0
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Customer Number |
15 |
3 |
SOP Type |
3 |
ORD, INV, RTN, QTE Defaults to ORD. |
4 |
SOP Number |
15 |
5 |
Document ID |
15 |
If present, SOP Number above is ignored. Otherwise, defaults based on SOP Type. |
6 |
Document Date |
Date |
7 |
Customer PO Number |
20 |
8 |
Comment 1 |
50 |
9 |
Comment 2 |
50 |
10 |
Address 1 |
30 |
11 |
Address 2 |
30 |
12 |
City |
30 |
13 |
State |
30 |
14 |
Zip |
10 |
15 |
Country |
20 |
16 |
Ship to Address Code |
15 |
If present, above address is ignored |
17 |
User ID |
15 |
18 |
Trade Discount Amt. |
Number |
19 |
Freight Amount |
Number |
20 |
Misc Amount |
Number |
21 |
Deposit/Amount Received |
Number |
22 |
Currency ID |
15 |
Defaults to functional currency |
23 |
Exchange Rate |
Number |
Defaults using Document Date |
24 |
User Defined Table 1 |
20 |
25 |
User Defined Table 2 |
20 |
26 |
User Defined Table 3 |
20 |
27 |
User Defined Date 1 |
Date |
28 |
User Defined Date 2 |
Date |
29 |
User Defined 1 |
20 |
30 |
User Defined 2 |
20 |
31 |
User Defined 3 |
20 |
32 |
User Defined 4 |
20 |
33 |
User Defined 5 |
20 |
34 |
Default Site ID |
10 |
35 |
Requested Ship Date |
Date |
36 |
Comment ID |
15 |
If present, Comment 1 and Comment 2 are ignored. |
37 |
Shipping Method |
15 |
Defaults if blank |
38 |
Due Date |
Date |
If not present is calculated by Dynamics GP. |
39 |
Batch Number |
15 |
Defaults from the Import Definition ID. |
40 |
Bill to Address Code |
15 |
41 |
Trade Discount Percent |
Number |
Defaults from Customer Discount. |
42 |
Default Price Level |
10 |
43 |
Salesperson ID |
15 |
44 |
Sales Territory ID |
15 |
45 |
Commission Percent |
Number |
46 |
Commission Amount |
Number |
47 |
Percent of Sale |
Number |
48 |
Commission Sales Amount |
Number |
49 |
Tax Schedule ID |
15 |
50 |
Contact Person |
30 |
51 |
Ship to Company Name |
30 |
52 |
Address 3 |
30 |
53 |
Payment Terms ID |
20 |
54 |
Debtor Comment1 |
30 |
Gets copied to Comment1 of the customer master record |
55 |
Email Recipient |
80 |
Gets added to email To Address of the customer email record. |
56 |
Suppress Trade Discount Defaulting |
1 |
1 = True, 0 = False |
57 |
UPS Zone |
3 |
58 |
Tax Exempt 1 |
25 |
59 |
Tax Exempt 1 |
25 |
60 |
Import To History |
1 |
1 = True, 0 = False |
61 |
Location ANA Code |
13 |
Used by EDI to get customer code from NC_Customer_Location_Ref table |
62 |
NC Location Code |
17 |
Used by EDI to get customer code from NC_Customer_Location_Ref table |
63 |
Country Code |
6 |
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Customer Number |
15 |
Used in dedicated customer imports only. Otherwise it is ignored. |
3 |
Customer Class ID |
15 |
Customer create only. |
4 |
Customer Name |
30 |
Customer create only. |
5 |
Short Name |
15 |
Customer create only. Defaults to Customer Name if blank. |
6 |
Statement Name |
30 |
Customer create only. |
7 |
User Defined Field 1 |
20 |
Customer create only. |
8 |
User Defined Field 2 |
20 |
Customer create only. |
9 |
Bill to Address Code |
15 |
Defaults from HDR(40) if blank. Defaults to ‘BILLING’ in customer create if blank. |
10 |
Bill to Address 1 |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
11 |
Bill to Address 2 |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
12 |
Bill to Address 3 |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
13 |
Bill to City |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
14 |
Bill to State |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
15 |
Bill to Postal Code |
10 |
Address create/update only. |
16 |
Bill to Country |
20 |
Address create/update only. |
17 |
Bill to Phone 1 |
14 |
Address create/update only. |
18 |
Bill to Phone 2 |
14 |
Address create/update only. |
19 |
Bill to Fax Number |
14 |
Address create/update only. |
20 |
Bill to Contact Name |
30 |
Address create/update only. |
21 |
Ship to Address Code |
15 |
Defaults from HDR(16) if blank. Defaults to ‘SHIPPING’ in customer create if blank. |
22 |
Ship to Name |
30 |
Defaults from Customer’s name if blank. |
23 |
Ship to Address 1 |
30 |
Ship to addresses overrides address fields on HDR. |
24 |
Ship to Address 2 |
30 |
25 |
Ship to Address 3 |
30 |
26 |
Ship to City |
30 |
27 |
Ship to State |
30 |
28 |
Ship to Postal Code |
10 |
29 |
Ship to Country |
20 |
30 |
Ship to Phone 1 |
14 |
31 |
Ship to Phone 2 |
14 |
32 |
Ship to Fax Number |
14 |
33 |
Ship to Contact Name |
30 |
34 |
Salesperson ID |
15 |
35 |
Sales Territory ID |
15 |
36 |
Ship To UPS Zone |
3 |
37 |
Tax Exempt 1 |
25 |
38 |
Tax Exempt 2 |
25 |
39 |
Bill To Country Code |
6 |
40 |
Ship To Country Code |
6 |
Address create/update only – These fields are ignored when creating a sales document.
Customer create only – These fields are ignored when not creating new customers.
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Item Number |
30 |
3 |
Quantity |
Number |
Document line only. |
4 |
Unit Price |
Number |
Document line only. Defaults if blank. |
5 |
Item Description |
100 |
Defaults if blank. |
6 |
Unit Markdown Amount |
Number |
Document line only. |
7 |
Shipping Method |
15 |
Document line only. Defaults to HDR(37) if blank |
8 |
Site ID |
10 |
Defaults from HDR(34) if blank. |
9 |
Unit of Measure |
8 |
Document line only. Defaults if blank. |
10 |
Item Class ID |
15 |
Create/update only. |
11 |
Standard Cost |
Number |
Create/update only. |
12 |
Current Cost |
Number |
Create/update only. |
13 |
List Price |
Number |
Create/update only. |
14 |
Item Short Description |
15 |
Create/update only. |
15 |
Generic Description |
10 |
Create/update only. |
16 |
Price Schedule |
10 |
Create/update only. Defaults from Item Class if blank. |
17 |
Default Price Level |
15 |
Create/update only. Defaults from Item Class if blank. |
18 |
Item User Category 1 |
10 |
Create/update only. Defaults from Item Class if blank. |
19 |
Item User Category 2 |
10 |
(as above) |
20 |
Item User Category 3 |
10 |
(as above) |
21 |
Item User Category 4 |
10 |
(as above) |
22 |
Item User Category 5 |
10 |
(as above) |
23 |
Item User Category 6 |
10 |
(as above) |
24 |
Alternate Item 1 |
30 |
Create/update only. |
25 |
Alternate Item 2 |
30 |
Create/update only. |
26 |
Template Price List Item |
30 |
Create/update only. Dynamics GP 6+ only. |
27 |
Requested Ship Date |
Date |
Defaults if blank. Document line only. |
28 |
Fulfilment Date |
Date |
Defaults if blank. Document line only. |
29 |
Actual Ship Date |
Date |
Defaults if blank. Document line only. |
30 |
Markdown Percent |
Number |
Used if Markdown Amount is blank. |
31 |
Drop Ship Flag |
Number |
0 = Normal; 1 = Drop Ship |
32 |
Unit Cost |
Number |
Defaults if blank. Drop Ship Only |
Document line only – These fields are ignored when creating or updating items.
Create/update only – These fields are ignored when creating item lines on a document.
Component – Only needed for kits with no default components.
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Item Number |
30 |
3 |
Component Item No. |
30 |
4 |
Quantity |
Number |
Actual QTY, not per parent QTY |
5 |
Price |
Number |
Not supported. |
Nominal – Used to override account numbers on existing distribution lines.
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Account Number |
30 |
3 |
Distribution Type |
8 |
* |
4 |
Distribution Amount |
Number |
Not used. |
5 |
Item Number |
30 |
if related to a specific item |
6 |
Component Item No. |
30 |
if related to a specific component |
Note: Only SALES, COGS and INV apply to Item and Component lines.
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Tax Detail ID |
15 |
3 |
Taxable Amount |
Number |
4 |
Tax Amount |
Number |
5 |
Item Number |
30 |
If related to a specific DTL line, Item Number of the DTL line. |
Serial/Lot Number
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Item Number |
30 |
Item Number of the associated DTL line. |
3 |
Component Item Number |
30 |
Component Item Number of the associated COM line. |
4 |
Serial/Lot Number |
20 |
Serial Number or Lot Number, depending on what the item tracks. |
5 |
Lot Quantity |
Number |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
6 |
Lot Attribute 1 |
10 |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
7 |
Lot Attribute 2 |
10 |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
8 |
Lot Attribute 3 |
10 |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
9 |
Lot Date 1 |
Date |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
10 |
Lot Date 2 |
Date |
Ignored. Reserved for future expansion. |
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Payment Type |
4 |
3 |
Payment Amount |
Number |
4 |
Chequebook ID or Credit Card Name |
15 |
Chequebook ID for CASH and CHK payments. Card Name for CARD payments. |
5 |
Cheque / Card Number |
20 |
6 |
Authorization Code |
15 |
7 |
Expiration Date |
Date |
8 |
Payment Doc. Number |
15 |
Currently not supported |
9 |
Cash Account |
Acc. Number. |
Applies only to Orders |
10 |
Deposits Account |
Acc. Number |
Applies only to Orders |
Return Quantities
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Item Number |
30 |
3 |
QTY On Hand |
Number |
4 |
QTY Returned |
Number |
5 |
QTY In Use |
Number |
6 |
QTY In Service |
Number |
7 |
QTY Damaged |
Number |
Comment - if present for header, all comment information in the HDR is ignored.
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Item Number |
30 |
If related to a specific item |
3 |
Comment |
200 |
4 |
Comment ID |
15 |
If present, Comment is ignored |
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Salesperson ID |
15 |
3 |
Sales Territory |
15 |
4 |
Commission Percent |
Number |
5 |
Commission Amount |
Number |
6 |
Percent of Sales |
Number |
7 |
Commission Sales Amount |
Number |
Tracking Numbers
Field |
Name |
Size |
Comment |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
2 |
Tracking Number |
40 |
Tracking number |
Example Files
Example 1, using Header version 2.0:
CMT,,Confirm with accounts before processing,
; specify a tax detail id
; specify the main accounts
; make a payment too
PAY,CHK,5.88,FIRST NATIONAL,100623,,,,,
Example 2, using Header version 2.0:
; import a kit item
; specify INV and COGS accounts for components
; specify the main accounts
Appendix B: Dynamics GP Menu Entries
As part of the install procedure for Sales Order Import, the following items are added to the Dynamics GP menus:
Cards, Sales, SOP Import
Import Definitions - Import Definitions Maintenance window
Enquiry, Sales, SOP Import
Import Audit Enquiry - SOP Import Audit Enquiry window
Tools, Routines, Sales, SOP Import
Import Processing - Import Processing window
Import Audit Cleardown - SOP Import Audit Cleardown window
Reports, Sales, SOP Import
Import Audit Report - SOP Import Audit Reports window
Appendix C: Third Party Integration
It is possible to run an SOP import from code in another third-party application for Microsoft Business Solutions Dynamics GP. The following script has been made available to provide a consistent interface to SOP Import:
RunImport of form NC_SOPImport_API
Runs SOP Import with the given Import Definition ID. If the filename is provided,
it overrides the import filename from the definition.
If the import is run successfully, the SOP Number from the documents created are
returned in a comma separated list. If no documents are created successfully, the
field will be empty.
Status values:
0: Import was run. Check SOP Numbers for the result.
1: Registration Keys incorrect.
2: Import Definition does not exist.
in 'Import Definition ID' I_sImportDef;
in string I_sFilename;
inout text IO_txSOPNumber;
out integer O_nStatus;
To run this script, the following piece of code could be used:
call with name "RunImport of form NC_SOPImport_API" in dictionary 2418,
Appendix D: Multi-Company Imports
It is now possible to import to companies over that the company the import is currently logged into. The CMP record allows the import to switch to another company, this MUST the first record in an import file and can only appear once. This will switch the import to the specified company for the rest of that import file.
If the CMP record is not specified the import will run as normal (Importing to the company which is currently logged into).
Appendix E: SQL Interface Tables
The SOP Import module from Nolan Business Solutions provides SQL Interface tables which may be used on SQL installations instead of using the CSV text files.
This appendix provides details of the SQL Interface tables, and how they should be used to import data to Dynamics GP.
Multiple SQL Interface tables are used by the SOP Import module, to represent the different record types utilised by the CSV text file import. The list provided below indicated the relationship between the SQL Interface tables and the record types:
Interface Table |
Record Type |
Type Id |
Content |
NCSIM400 |
1 |
Transaction Header |
NCSIM400 |
2 |
Line Item Detail |
NCSIM401 |
8 |
Comment Text |
NCSIM402 |
4 |
Line Item Components |
NCSIM403 |
3 |
Nominal Accounts |
NCSIM404 |
6 |
Payment/Deposit Info |
NCSIM405 |
7 |
Returned Qty Breakdown |
NCSIM406 |
5 |
Tax Breakdown |
NCSIM407 |
10 |
Address Details |
NCSIM408 |
9 |
Serial/Lot Number Info |
NCSIM409 |
11 |
Commissions Breakdown |
NCSIM410 |
13 |
Integration Reference |
NCSIM411 |
12 |
Record Note Text |
NCSIM413 |
16 |
Line Item Shipping Address |
NCSIM414 |
17 |
Tracking Number |
Each of the SQL Integration tables contains four mandatory columns which form the primary index for the table. These fields are:
NC_Reference_ID should contain a unique (external) reference number for each group of documents to be processed. For example, a CSV interface file could contain three orders – by inserting the corresponding data into the SQL Interface tables with the same NC_Reference_ID for each, the three orders are still logically grouped together. You may use a unique NC_Reference_ID for every transaction if you wish, but all the records for a single transaction must share the same NC_Reference_ID.
NC_Reference_Sequence is the logical position of the table row within the collection of records sharing a single NC_Reference_ID. This is used to mimic the behaviour in the CSV file interface, where the relative position of the records affects how the lines are processed. Each record within a single NC_Reference_ID must have a unique NC_Reference_Sequence.
CMRECNUM is the position of the table row within the current document. When using a distinct reference number (NC_Reference_ID) for each transaction, CMRECNUM will match the NC_Reference_Sequence.
RCRDTYPE indicates the type of data being provided, as per the ‘Type Id’ values given in the list on the previous page.
For example, to import three simple orders (single item line each), under a single NC_Reference_ID, the following values could be used:
NC_Reference_ID NC_Reference_Sequence CMRECNUM RCRDTYPE
EXAMPLE001 1 1 1
EXAMPLE001 2 2 2
EXAMPLE001 3 1 1
EXAMPLE001 4 2 2
EXAMPLE001 5 1 1
EXAMPLE001 6 2 2
Notice how the CMRECNUM counter resets with each new document.
When populating the SQL Interface tables, the NCSIM400 table is the main table which controls the import processing. Whilst multiple interface tables have been provided, to hold the necessary field for each of the different record types, every record must also be represented by a row in the NCSIM400 table. This allows the import process to read through the NCSIM400 table in sequence, and reference additional tables only as required by the indicated record types.
For example, to import a single order with three line items, comments against both the order and the second line item, and a deposit amount, the following table rows should be created:
NCSIM400, Sequence |
Record Type |
Additional Table |
1 |
1 (HDR) |
None |
2 |
8 (CMT) |
NCSIM401 |
3 |
2 (DTL) |
None |
4 |
2 (DTL) |
None |
5 |
8 (CMT) |
NCSIM401 |
6 |
2 (DTL) |
None |
7 |
6 (PAY) |
NCSIM404 |
In addition to indicating the record types (and thus the additional tables required), the NCSIM400 table also holds the integration status (NC_Status column). Status values should be used as follows:
Value |
Indicated Status |
Comments |
1 |
Building Document |
Use a status of 1 whilst inserting records to the SQL Interface tables, to ensure processing does not begin until all records are created. |
2 |
Ready to Import |
Update records to a status of 2 when they are ready for processing. |
3 |
Importing |
SOP Import will update the status to 3 when it is processing the records. |
4 |
Integration Successful |
SOP Import has completed processing these records and they integrated successfully. |
5 |
Integration Failed |
SOP Import encountered an error during validation or processing of the document and the transaction was rejected. |
Interface Table Definitions
By default, the SQL Interface tables do not have any bound defaults, and do not allow NULL values. This means that a value must be provided for every column when populating the tables. To simplify the use of the interface tables, you can use the NCsmBindTableDefaults stored procedure to bind Dynamics GP defaults to all the columns in the NCSIM series of tables. This stored procedure is not created automatically, but must be loaded from the NC_BindDefaults.sql script file (installed to the SQL folder within the Dynamics GP client folder) into each company database using the interface tables. Use the following SQL statements to execute the stored procedure once it has been created:
declare @errState int
exec NCsmBindTableDefaults 0, @errState output
Headers (HDR – 1 – NCSIM400)
When writing a CSV, the first line of an imported order will be the HDR line. Similarly when doing an import from SQL tables, the first record in the your record sequence should always be the HDR record. The HDR record will be inserted into the NCSIM400 table; please note however, that not all fields within this table are used for the HDR record as the NCSIM400 table stores both HDR and DTL records. The field mappings for the HDR record within the NCSIM400 table are as follows. (Fields marked with * are required.)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID * |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence * |
Reference Sequence |
NC_Status * |
Status |
User ID |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Customer Number |
SOP Type |
SOP Number |
Line Item Sequence |
Component Sequence |
Batch Number |
Document ID |
Document Date |
Customer PO Number |
NC Comment 1 |
NC Comment 2 |
Address Line 1 |
Address Line 2 |
City |
State / County |
Zip Code / Post Code |
Country |
Primary Ship to Address Code |
Primary Bill to Address Code |
User to Enter |
Trade Discount Amount |
Freight Amount |
Misc Amount |
Deposit Received |
Currency ID |
Exchange Rate |
User Defined Table 1 |
User Defined Table 2 |
User Defined Table 3 |
User Defined Date 1 |
User Defined Date 2 |
User Defined 1 |
User Defined 2 |
User Defined 3 |
User Defined 4 |
User Defined 5 |
ReqShipDate |
Requested Ship Date |
Shipping Method |
Due Date |
Trade Discount Percent |
Salesperson ID |
Sales Territory |
NC_Commission_Percent_St |
Commission Percent |
Commission Amount |
NC_Percent_of_Sale_Strin |
Percent of Sale |
Commission Sale Amount |
Tax Schedule ID |
Contact Person |
NC_Ship_To_Company_Name |
NC Ship to Company Name |
Address 3 |
Payment Terms ID |
Comment1 (Comment 1 on Customer) |
Email_Recipient |
Email Recipient (To Email address on Cust) |
Suppress Trade Discount Defaulting |
UPS Zone |
Tax Exempt 1 |
Tax Exempt 2 |
NC_Import_Hist |
Import To History? |
NC_Location_ANA_Code |
Location ANA Code – Used by EDI |
NC_Location_Code |
NC Location Code - Used by EDI |
NC_Product_DUN_Code |
Product DUN Code – Used by EDI |
NC_Product_EAN_Code |
Product EAN Code – Used by EDI |
NC_Partner_Product_Code |
Partner Product Code |
Vendor ID |
Vendor Item Number |
Contract Line Sequence Number |
Extended Price |
CCode |
Country Code |
Record_Text |
Record Text |
So, for example, you would insert the following information into the NCSIM400 table to represent your HDR record (we are going to use REF00001 as our reference id)
NC_Reference_ID = ‘REF00001’
NC_Reference_Sequence = 1
NC_Status = 2
RCRDTYPE = 1 (HDR = 1)
As well as these fields you must also insert customer number as this is also required for the import. And, obviously, all the header fields you are importing for the order.
Detail lines (DTL – 2 – NCSIM400)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
NC_Status |
Status |
User ID |
Record Number |
Record Type |
ReqShipDate |
Requested Ship Date |
Item Number |
U of M |
Quantity |
Unit Price |
Item Description |
Markdown Amount |
NC Use Default Price |
Location Code |
NC_Item_Shipping_Method |
Item Shipping Method |
Class ID |
Standard Cost |
Current Cost |
List Price |
Item Short Name |
Item Generic Description |
PriceGroup |
Price Group |
Price Level |
User Category Values[1] |
User Category Values[2] |
User Category Values[3] |
User Category Values[4] |
User Category Values[5] |
User Category Values[6] |
NC_Template_Price_List_I |
Template Price List Item |
Actual Ship Date |
Fulfillment Date |
Markdown Percent |
Drop Ship |
Unit Cost |
NC_Empty_QTY |
NC Empty Quantity |
Tax Schedule ID |
Record_Text |
Record Text |
So if we wanted to add a line to our header record we would insert the following key fields into NCSIM400, in addition to all the line fields we wished to import.
NC_Reference_ID = ‘REF00001’
NC_Reference_Sequence = 2 (second line of the import)
NC_Status = 2
Comments (CMT – 8 – NCSIM401)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Item Number |
COMMENT_1 – 4 |
Comment |
Comment ID |
Comment Text |
Components (COM – 4 – NCSIM402
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Component Item Number |
Quantity |
Unit Price |
Nominal Info (NOM – 3 – NCSIM403)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Individual segments of the account number |
Distribution Type |
Distribution Amount |
Item Number |
Component Item Number |
Nominal lines are used to override account numbers on existing distribution lines, so for example, we could add one against the order we are importing. Because we nominals (as well as all the other record types above 2) are not kept in the NCSIM400 table, we will need to write to both tables, so first we would insert the following key fields into NCSIM403
NC_Reference_ID = ‘REF00001’
NC_Reference_Sequence = 3
And then we would need to insert a corresponding line in the NCSIM400 table:
NC_Reference_ID = ‘REF00001’
NC_Reference_Sequence = 3 (third line of the import)
NC_Status = 2
Note that the key fields are the same for both tables; you need the line in NCSIM400 table so that the system knows where to look. The other types follow this same basic principle of writing to both tables.
Payments (PAY – 6 – NCSIM404)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Payment Type |
Amount Paid |
Chequebook/Checkbook ID |
Cheque/Check Number |
Authorisation code |
Expiration Date |
Document Number |
Cash Index |
Deposits Index |
Return Quantities (RTN – 7 – NCSIM405)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Item Number |
Quantity on Hand |
Quantity Returned |
Quantity in Use |
Quantity in Service |
Quantity Damaged |
Tax (TAX – 5 – NCSIM406)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Tax Detail ID |
Total Taxable Sales |
Tax Detail Amount |
Item Number |
Address Info (ADR – 10 – NCSIM407)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Customer Number |
Customer Class |
Customer Name |
Short Name |
Statement Name |
User Defined 1 |
User Defined 2 |
Bill to Address Code |
Address 1 |
Address 2 |
Address 3 |
City |
State |
Zip |
Country |
Phone Number 1 |
Phone Number 2 |
Fax Number |
Contact Person |
Ship to Address Code |
ShipToName |
Ship To Name |
NC_Ship_Address_1 |
Ship Address 1 |
NC_Ship_Address_2 |
Ship Address 2 |
NC_Ship_Address_3 |
Ship Address 3 |
NC_Ship_City |
Ship City |
NC_Ship_State |
Ship State |
NC_Ship_Zip |
Ship Zip |
NC_Ship_Country |
Ship Country |
NC_Ship_Phone_1 |
Ship Phone 1 |
NC_Ship_Phone_2 |
Ship Phone 2 |
NC_Ship_Fax |
Ship Fax |
NC_Ship_Contact_Person |
Ship Contact Person |
Salesperson ID |
Sales Territory |
NC_Ship_UPS_Zone |
Ship UPS Zone |
NC_Ship_Tax_Exempt_1 |
Ship Tax Exempt 1 |
NC_Ship_Tax_Exempt_2 |
Ship Tax Exempt 2 |
CCode |
Bill Country Code |
Ship Country Code |
Serial/Lot Numbers (SLN – 9 – NCSIM408)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Item Number |
Component Item Number |
Serial/Lot Number |
Serial/Lot Qty |
Lot Attribute 1 |
Lot Attribute 2 |
Lot Attribute 3 |
Lot Attribute 4 |
Lot Attribute 5 |
Commissions (CMS – 11 – NCSIM409)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Salesperson ID |
Sales Territory |
NC_Commission_Percent_St |
Commission Percent |
Commission Amount |
NC_Percent_of_Sale_Strin |
Percent of Sale |
Commission Sale Amount |
Integration Reference (ING – 13 – NCSIM410)
This is a special purpose Interface table used to assist the linking of the integrated SOP documents with the original data in the source system. If the document being processed includes an Integration Reference record, the import process will insert a record in the NCSIM006 table in the DYNAMICS database once the document has been processed (whether integration succeeds or fails). The NCSIM006 table may then be read to determine what happened to data submitted for integration. On success, the NC_Import_Key column in NCSIM006 will contain the Dynamics GP SOP Document Number for the document created. On failure, the STRGA255 column will contain the error messages indicating why integration failed.
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
NC_Integration_ID |
External Integration Reference |
Notes (NOT – 12 – NCSIM411)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Record Note Text |
Item Shipping Address (ISA – 16 – NCSIM413)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Item Number |
Ship to Address Code |
ShipToName |
Ship To Name |
Contact Person |
Address1 |
Address2 |
Address3 |
City |
State |
Zip |
Country |
Phone1 |
Phone2 |
Phone3 |
Fax Number |
CCode |
Country Code |
Tracking Numbers (TRA – 17 – NCSIM414)
SQL Field Name |
Field Description |
NC_Reference_ID |
Reference ID |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
Reference Sequence |
Record Number |
Record Type |
Tracking_Number |
Sop Tracking Number |
Integration Reference (VEN – 18 – NCSIM416)
This is a special purpose Interface table used to define IDS specific fields. At present the preferred vendor ID only is used.
NC_Reference_ID |
char(31) |
Unchecked |
NC_Reference_Sequence |
int |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
smallint |
Unchecked |
char(31) |
Unchecked |
char(15) |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
tinyint |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
numeric(19, 5) |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
datetime |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_1 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_2 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_3 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_4 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_5 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_6 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_7 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_8 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_9 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareInts_10 |
smallint |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareStrings_1 |
char(255) |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareStrings_2 |
char(255) |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareStrings_3 |
char(255) |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareStrings_4 |
char(255) |
Unchecked |
NC_SpareStrings_5 |
char(255) |
Unchecked |
Field Type Definitions
The following fields are imported as strings within normal (csv) SOP Import but are stored as numeric values within the actual SQL tables; mappings between the two values for the needed fields are provided here.
SOP Type Payment Type (PAY)
SOP Import value |
SQL value |
SOP Import value |
SQL value |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
Distribution Type (NOM records)
SOP Import value |
SQL value |
SOP Import value |
SQL value |
1 |
12 |
2 |
13 |
3 |
14 |
4 |
15 |
5 |
16 |
6 |
17 |
7 |
18 |
8 |
19 |
9 |
20 |
10 |
21 |
11 |
Appendix F: Document Statistics
Document Owner: Peter Boniface
File Location: Sales Order Processing Import.docx
Current Version Date: 25 May 2016
Revision Summary:
Date |
Author of Revision |
Summary |
May 2010 |
Peter Boniface |
Updates for Dynamics GP 2010 |