NetSuite vs Business Central: Comparing Chart of Accounts

Join us for the next instalment in our webinar series, where we will compare the strengths of both systems in managing the Chart of Accounts (COA) and what you need to start thinking about for your migration to a cloud-based ERP.


Scheduled Task Setup

Last updated

In the “Task Setup” form, select an existing task in the list and click the “Task Id” hyperlink to open the “Scheduled Task Setup” form.


Enabled – A checkbox that decides if the task is enabled or disabled.

Start time – The first time that the task should be run.

Recurring – When enabled this allows the task to be run multiple times between the Start and Finish time.

Days of week to run task – Checkboxes that control which days of the week the task will be run.

Criteria Button – This will open the Criteria form. This form will allow selection criteria to be configured that will drive which actions will be performed. Each Task Type will open a different Criteria form. A Task with a Task Type of “POSTING” will open the “Posting Criteria” form. Criteria forms are described later in this document.

Next Chapter: Criteria Forms
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