For any user upgrading from a version of ABR earlier than 1.63u. After the bundle update is “complete”, it may take 30 minutes or more before the new reference fields (added by 1.63u) are fully populated. If the Reconcile window shows “ERROR: Field not found” instead of the reference text, the records are not yet updated. If this is the case, please try again later.
Version 1.66.94
Resolved the issue where editing caused the Auto-Gen template fields to become blank.
Added: ABR Reconciliation Account - determine OneWorldAccount by using ABR_Const call rather than polling user records.
Version 1.66.93
Populating the Target Account on the ABR Auto-Gen Template when there is only one available for the selected Reconciliation Account.
It also works from the Reconciliation screen using the New Template button.
Version 1.66.92
Calculating Closing Balance Fix
- adding a missing filter to the script which returns any bank statement line record what was created before the Reconciliation Statement was created
Version 1.66.91
ABR Config Tweak
- The default value for the field “Disable Default Auto-Match Rule” is set to True (checked) when the bundle is installed for the first time
Version 1.66.90
Tolerance matching fix
- Fixed an issue on the journal generated by tolerance matching, of not having the flag "Generated by ABR" flag and the "Auto Approved(ABR)" correctly in place
- Fixed an issue on the bank statement line not populate the template ID, if the bank statement line has been matched with an Automatch rule with tolerance
Version 1.66.89
StatementDirect download boundary fix
- Fix an issue which for a slowing moving bank account to pull all historical transaction from "Reconcile From" date. The symptom occurs is triggered only after the bank account has been reconciled and has executed the automatic download tasks.
- If the bank account is established originally with StatementDirect, the bank statement extracted will not have impacted as the duplication check will take effect.
Version 1.66.88
Auto-Match Process
- Fix to bug introduced in 1.66.86, where a moved search filter was not accessible.
- Any sites on 1.66.86 or 1.66.87 should update immediately to 1.66.88
Version 1.66.87
Reconcile Window - Create Template
- Fixed issue with parameter passing (remove # from URL which was only added as a work-around to a prior NetSuite issue).
Version 1.66.86
Auto-Match Rules
- New fields to Filter records by Reference Text.
- Added "From, To" to NetSuite Document Number, and "Search Operator" to Reference/Memo, giving a consistent set of options.
Extract Process
- New checkbox setting in ABR Configuration, "Scheduled Extract Runs From Last Reconciled".
- Without this setting (existing behaviour), the Scheduled Extract will run from the "Last Download Date".
- With this setting, the Scheduled Extract will run from the "Last Reconciled Date".
- Changes to Extract behaviour to use the new setting.
Version 1.66.85
Version 1.66.84
- Tightened up error handling and reporting around Match and Unmatch operations.
Version 1.66.83
Nolan Bank Feeds:
- Internal change to switch fully to new Bank Feeds API, removing legacy old-to-new intermediary service.
Statement Direct
- Download Date issue resolved
- File size issue resolved
Version 1.66.82
SD Automated task via File Cabinet Solutions
- The Terms and Condition Checks for statement direct tasks will check versus each reconciled account's SD automated tasks.
No longer requires to accept Terms and Conditions if "Download Statement" operation is unselected.
ABR Reconcile Screen
- In Reconcile screen, when a user clicks "Extract" button while has the reconcile account selected, the forwarded extract screen will inherit the reconcile account and default selected.
Version 1.66.81
Fixing issue when Field Sourcing is used and line type is not selected (record was already created, before update)
Version 1.66.80
New ABR Dashboard Portlets
- ABR Reconciliation Accounts Summary - focuses on current position (as of a cut-off date) and items needing to be matched.
- ABR Reconciled Accounts Summary - focuses on last reconciled position (as of a cut-off date) and any differences present.
- Common to both are filters, and the ability to use Saved Searches (against ABR Reconciliation Account record type) as Views.
Bug Fixing
- Fixing Field Sourcing issue when Template Distribution is used
Version 1.66.79
- Auto-Gen Template Nominal Account populated from Reconcile Screen
- Separate Classifications for each Line of JE
- Fixing not forwarding data when some special character in the data (i.e. Journal #JE001)
Version 1.66.78
ABR Auto-Generate Templates (entry screen)
- Updated the entity search behaviour to support multi-subsidiary entities (now searches across all entity subsidiaries rather than only the primary one).
Version 1.66.77
ABR Auto-Generate Process
- Bug fix to process routine, which was not returning to the start of the statement lines with each fresh template tried.
Version 1.66.76
ABR Auto-Generate Templates (entry screen)
- Further performance optimisations:
- Don't fully populate select lists when in VIEW mode; show only the current values.
- Added "Search" field alongside entity select lists; the list now only populates with the search results when a search string is entered.
ABR Auto-Generate Process
- Improved handling for an edge case where the process could get trapped retrying the same dataset indefinitely.
ABR Reconciliation Account Summary
- Brand new Custom Portlet suitable for accounting dashboard, showing a quick summary of the position of each of your ABR Reconciliation Accounts.
Version 1.66.75
Fixing filter added in a condition
Version 1.66.74
ABR Auto-Import
- governance unit checking frequency updated to be executed more often
Version 1.66.73
ABR Auto-Gen
- fixing "fx" column issues for non multicurrency accounts
ABR Extract
- moving clearmatchnumber to summarize section to prevent the race condition if concurrency limit is more than 1
Version 1.66.72
ABR Reconcile
- Show "Set Filters" button at top of screen (moved in 1.66.71 but button omitted from Script record).
ABR Auto-Generate Template (entry screen)
- Further optimisation of Client Script validation processes to improve page performance and avoid page timeout issues.
Version 1.66.71
Set Filters button on the Reconcile screen has been moved to the top of the page
Version 1.66.70
Fixing/adding buttons to Reconcile screen to start the Extract/Download process.
ABR Config must be updated after Bundle Install to have the nbsABR_Reconcile script added to be used to communicate with NCS. The ACCESS TOKEN must be added to initiate the update.
Version 1.66.69
ABR Auto-Generate Templates
- Consolidate validation searches to improve page performance
- Tidy up validation by Subsidiary when Reconcile Account or Target Account are changed.
- Fixed issues where ABR status page fails to write a result link and causes an error
Highlights Version 1.66.68
US bundled Saved Searches have been added into the core ABR Bundle
- NSABR Bank Transactions - by Match ID
- NSABR Reconciled Statement
- NSABR NetSuite Reconciliation State
Highlights Version 1.66.67
Fixing re-schedule error during Auto-Gen
When ABR Statement Import Format is copied, script also copies the linked ABR Format Definition Lines
- Added "Reverse Amount" sign field to ABR Format Definition Line. During Bank Statement Import Process, when handling format option for Amount/Debit Amount/Credit Amount, this flag determines whether the parsed value will be negated
Highlights Version 1.66.66
Reconcile Bank Statement - Fixed a bug when the last Statement Date could not be found because it was manually removed from the Bank Statement Line.
Highlights Version 1.66.65
ABR - Advanced IC JE Enhancement
- Introduced an alternate process by adding two new fields on ABR Auto-Gen Template to tag Representing Vendors if the site does not use Subsidiary-based Representing Vendor.
Note:- If the site does not use a subsidiary-based representative vendor, ensure that all of the associated ABR Auto-Gen templates are updated with the new field values for "Bank Subsidiary Representing Entity" and "Receiving Subsidiary Representing Entity" - Bug Fix - Target Download End Date Not Incrementing.
Highlights Version 1.66.64
- Resolved Issue for ABR not able to run in Testing (TD) accounts
Highlights Version 1.66.63
Auto-Generate Process
- Corrections to the handling of Department, Class, and Location both on Auto-Gen Template entry form and use during processing.
Highlights Version 1.66.62
- Bug Fix:- Target Download End Date Issue Fix.
- Update on the generate GL Trx button click, the Journal will open with the transaction date as the first Bank statement transaction date instead of the Statement date.
· Highlights Version 1.66.61
ABR Extract Process
- Ensure transactions are not extracted from before the "Reconcile From" date, when extract is initiated from the ABR Reconcile Wizard.
· Highlights Version 1.66.60
- fixing process state data by stringifying the value before set to field
· Highlights Version 1.66.59
ABR Closing Balance - Excel
- Added new Closing Balance report window, to generate report in Excel format.
- Reconcile process will automatically trigger generation of Closing Balance report in Excel format.
- Excel Closing Balance reports are attached to the corresponding ABR Reconciled Statement custom record.
· Highlights Version 1.66.58
Statement Direct date issue fix
· Highlights Version 1.66.57
Added a map/reduce script to work with ABR Bank Balance Summary Report
· Highlights Version 1.66.55
Reconciliation state and Bank transaction match
- Portlet + suitelet added
· Highlights Version 1.66.54
Auto-Generate Templates (Advanced Intercompany Journals)
- Improved feature checking so that correct fields are required (or not) and populated during transaction generation.
- Changes to logging of unexpected values to avoid causing an error by trying to retrieve value from an undefined object.
Automated Bank Links (Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks)
- Added "Last Run Date", "Process Start Date" and "Process End Date" to give more visibility of the process, and to allow re-running on the same date without advancing target date.
Reconcile Window Improvements
- Additional links for easier navigation between ABR tasks (Quality of Life).
· Highlights Version 1.66.53
Added Additional validation to identify Intercompany Framework is enabled for the account.
· Highlights Version 1.66.52
· Highlights Version 1.66.51
Enhancement of Code to handle and fetch desired Group value using Regex expression groups.
· Highlights Version 1.66.50
Added sorting by date to each of the detail sections (transaction/bank lines) on the Closing Balance Report - both the version built as XML and used to create a PDF, and the newer version which stores the data to a file
Support lengthy Subsidiary Name Hierarchy
- ABR Target Account and ABR Auto-Gen Template custom records : Updated field type for Subsidiary Name fields from Free-form Text to Long Text, to allow Subsidiary Name Hierarchy of more than 300 characters.
· Highlights Version 1.66.49
Auto-Generate Templates for ICJE
- Added Bank Subsidiary Due To/From and Receiving Subsidiary Due To/From accounts to Template.
- Discontinued prior Receiving Subsidiary Account Debit & Credit and Receiving Entity fields on Template.
- Changed Auto-Generate process to retrieve Representing Entities from Subsidiary setup.
- Changed Auto-Generate process to use new Due To/From account fields for Intercompany lines.
- Added data migration step (scheduled task to run after bundle update complete) to re-map Nominal Account, Receiving Subsidiary Debit & Credit accounts to new fields. Please review script audit log for any templates which could not be migrated automatically.
· Highlights Version 1.66.48
Hotfix for Entity on Auto-Generate Templates
- Reinstate setting of Entity on journal line, for standard (not InterCompany) journals.
· Highlights Version 1.66.47
ABR Auto-Generate Templates
- Changes to user interface scripting and elements, to not require permissions to search vs employee records, to determine OneWorld/multi-subsidiary status.
ABR Auto-Generate Processing
- Changes to handling of Representing Entities when generating Intercompany Due To/From lines.
· Highlights Version 1.66.46
- Change query statements on ABR extraction, which is implemented in version 1.66.42, to make compatible for client with limited system features.
· Highlights Version 1.66.45
- Additional check for Account Initialisation (actual presence of Account Init record, not just start date).
- Use correct account filter field when checking for matched items later than statement date.
· Highlights Version 1.66.44
Fix to handling of Reversals to retrieve correct record id
· Highlights Version 1.66.43
Replacing search with query
· Highlights Version 1.66.42
Replacing search with query
· Highlights Version 1.66.41
Bug Fix-- Recalculate - Unable to recalculate NSABR GL Balance using Recalc function
Added a new field (checkbox) labelled "No Account Initialization" to the Account and based on the checkbox(if true) we will consider the first line for the calculation for period reconciliation .If true - system will consider the first line for the calculation.
· Highlights Version 1.66.40
Bank Balance Summary Report
- Opening Position process modified to also generate a Statement Line for Account Initialisation, in addition to the Reconciled Statement already created.
- New Saved Search ABR - Bank Balance Summary Report
· Highlights Version 1.66.39
Reporting - Closing Bal Report for high volume account generation error
- Added nlapiEscapeXml for name and memo.
· Highlights Version 1.66.38
Bug Fix
Reporting - Jan 2023 reconciled transactions displaying on previous Closing Balance reports
1. ABR help page re-linking to knowledge base at
2. Internal preparation for Closing Balance Report in Excel format
· Highlights Version 1.66.37
Bug Fix and enhancement
Two new body fields (Created From ABR, Auto Approved(ABR) ) were added under the ABR subtab in the Journal Entry, with functionality to generate the fields' values.
· Highlights Version 1.66.36
Fetching of Tran No from Netsuite Transaction Id field has been changed to Transaction Id field.
· Highlights Version 1.66.35
Client Script is not getting triggered on any other role other than Admin - It was because of a function, which is searching for employee record and fetching subsidiary details and the custom roles doesn't have access to employee record. Issue resolved by adding nbsABR_Const Library and fetching the value.
· Highlights Version 1.66.34
Bug Fix - ABR Auto Generate Templates not populating subsidiary.
- Error on field change action (condition mistake) added the condition.
· Highlights Version 1.66.33
Nolan Bank Feed Download will not display rec. accounts if there is no target account linked. This will be in line with the Reconcile Wizard.
- Fixed Extract Transactions to not fail if the rec. account is missing.
· Highlights Version 1.66.32
BSL unmatching issue
- adding try catch blocks, NS sometimes throws UNEXPECTED_ERROR which causes the BSL to be unmatched.
· Highlights Version 1.66.31
Bank Statement Import - Restrict Dates (originally released in 1.66.27)
- Fixes for background processing
· Highlights Version 1.66.30
Closing Balance Report
- Correctly handle >1000 rows in the list of reconciled transactions.
· Highlights Version 1.66.30
Closing Balance Report
- Correctly handle >1000 rows in the list of reconciled transactions.
· Highlights Version 1.66.29
Closing Balance update
- updating Saved Search to return all the transactions
· Highlights Version 1.66.28
Missing Library script
- dateFormat3rdPartyLib.js added to the ABR Import Statement script
· Highlights Version 1.66.27
Bank Statement Import - Restrict Dates
- New option added to ABR Configuration to restrict file dates for Bank Statement import
- This update requires to update the Multi-Language (Nolan) bundle to version 1.00h
· Highlights Version 1.66.26
Check Number issue fix
- character limit increased from 10 to 300, maximum for the field type, FFT
· Highlights Version 1.66.25
ABR Extract - Status Screen
- Optimisations to ABR Extract progress status screen, to address "Script Execution Usage Limit" errors.
· Highlights Version 1.66.24
Closing Balance Report update
- character escape function added to the recently added closing balance report data
· Highlights Version 1.66.23
NCS Bank Links Import
- General Availability of the extended dataset which makes additional values available, via import mappings. Existing definitions will use a default mapping set which is backwardly compatible with the previous fixed behaviour.
NCS Bank Links Scheduled Tasks
- Fixed issue with Target Download Date not incrementing past Nov 6th for US sites, due to ending of daylight savings.
· Highlights Version 1.66.22
Reconcile Bank Statement
- Added option to filter Bank Accounts by Subsidiary.
- Added warning if the selected Statement date is not month-end or if a period reconciliation for the selected account and statement date already exists.
- Added option to turn off defaulting of the statement date to month-end for customers that are not using calendar months as accounting periods. See ABR Configuration > Do Not Default Statement Date to End of Month.
- Numeric values are now formatted based on the User Preferences (Number Format and Negative Number Format).
- NOTE: it is strongly recommended to update Multi-Language (Nolan) bundle as well.
Bug fixing
- Fixed bug for customer payments for non-primary subsidiary when a template using invoice search is used.
- Added additional logs to help further investigation.
Closing Balance Report Layout changes
- Header section has two extra row showing the reconciled amount and the last balance
- Also reconciled transactions added to the report by type.
· Highlights Version 1.66.21
NCS Bank Links Import
- Corrected the default field mappings (used when no specific mappings have been defined).
Auto-Match Process
- Correction to search filters used when grouping by Date only (no other grouping)
· Highlights Version 1.66.20
Statement Import
- Increased detail in error logging (to assist with file format issues).
- Disabled the "retry" of the import process if it fails, to stop it generating duplicate entries.
· Highlights Version 1.66.19
BAI File Processing (Statement Import)
- Infer empty Customer Reference or Bank Reference, when those fields are omitted.
· Highlights Version 1.66.18
Extract Process
- Fix boolean check for inactive templates when updating unmatched statement lines
· Highlights Version 1.66.17
Statement Import
- Better defaulting of initial Bank Statement subsidiary, when importing multiple-account statements.
· Highlights Version 1.66.16
Auto-Generate Process
- Added "Error" log entry when no valid posting period can be found (if using Accounting Periods) for the transaction being generated and skip the affected statement line.
· Highlights Version 1.66.15
- Invoice Search - do not use Subsidiary column in non-OneWorld accounts
Scripts changed: nbsABR_TrnTemplate_C.js
· Highlights Version 1.66.14
Auto-Generate Process
- Added handling for "Accounting Periods" feature NOT enabled (was incorrectly still trying to retrieve a valid posting period).
· Highlights Version 1.66.13
Auto-Match Process
- Change to how amount filtering is used with grouped NetSuite entries. (Optimisation)
· Highlights Version 1.66.11
Manual Statement Download
- Default mappings added for new download functionality provided. This should prevent errors occuring when no mappings are present
Scripts changed:
· Highlights Version 1.66.10
Statement Import
- Fix for import files longer than 3700 lines.
· Highlights Version 1.66.9
HOTFIX for 1.66.8
- Unmark "Hide in SuiteBundle" for translation script file which is now required in client-side scripts.
· Highlights Version 1.66.8
- Remove dependencies upon Translation RESTlet (and avoid RESTlet calls from client scripts).
· Highlights Version 1.66.7
Nolan Bank Feeds - Manual Tasks
- Fixed issue with invalid credentials being passed when performing download of statement transactions.
Nolan Bank Feeds - Create Statements (manual or scheduled)
- Changed potentially long log message to use JSON Data field on the Process Instance record, to avoid NetSuite data type field length limitation on the Process Message field.
· Highlights Version 1.66.6
Statement Direct
- Added extra check for blank/missing date before using .valueOf() function call - this only affects sites using the limited beta release Statement Direct field mappings feature.
· Highlights Version 1.66.5
- Auto-Gen templates now work with customers non-primary subsidiary
Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks
- Automated Statement Direct Download now uses a start date of "Last Reconciled Date" and end date of "Target Download Date"
Statement Direct Manual Tasks
- Manual download no longer updates the "Last Download Date" field
- "Last Download Date" field is now editable
Script Changes:
- nbsABR_AutoGen_SCH
- nbsABR_TrnTemplate_C
- nbsABR_SD_SchedTasks
- nbsABR_SD_ManualTasks
· Highlights Version 1.66.4
Statement Direct
- Rolled back change made in task 30664 - new Statement Direct functionality made available for general release. Now using old Statement Direct download functionality again
Scripts Changed:
- nbsABR_ServerScripts.js
· Highlights Version 1.66.3
filteringChars missing issue
- Resolved issue where filteringChars function was missing in several SS2 scripts
Script Changes:
- nbsABR_NSJournal_UE.js
- nbsABR_Extract_MR_rev1.js
- nbsABR_Util.js
· Highlights Version 1.66.2
- Inactive templates are now skipped when being updated via work-record. This should solve the issue of inactive templates causing errors and having data deleted.
Bank Statement Upload
- fixing missing transactions error
- fixing restartCount issue which caused infinite loop
- Fixed issue where "filteringChar" function was missing for extract map/reduce
· Highlights Version 1.66.1
- update to handle non-primary subsidiary template setup
- update to remove characters from string before MEMO field is set to prevent error during manual matching
- fixing issue when transactions were incorrectly dated
· Highlights Version 1.66.0
- Version numbering changed to numerical only. Versioning will now be in the following format: 1.2.3 with 3 being minor changes, 2 being major changes, and 1 being total overhalls or equivalently large changes. To make the transition simpler, a new major change has been added to the version number.
EP Bank Details
- The "Remove" link will no longer be shown for this parents of this record type.
- When template and invoice currencies do not match, template is skipped and no payment is created
- Auto-Gen should now keep track of loop indexes properly
- Client script - small fix due to variable type difference (Function expected string but recieved number)
· Highlights Version 1.65zh
Create Journal Transaction
- Error which caused memo fields to contain more than 300 characters when creating Journals has been resolved.
MT940 Column Mapping
- This functionality is now available to all Talend accounts, not just SB2
· Highlights Version 1.65zg
Reconcile Screen
- Resolved issue where 300 character field value limit was being breached by Bank Statement Transaction lines.
· Highlights Version 1.65zf
ABR Statement Download Column Mapping
- Implemented extended column mapping feature for manual tasks. Previously only automated tasks were supported.
· Highlights Version 1.65ze
BAI File Import
- Added a large number of logs to enable debugging of BAI import script potentially skipping transactions due to cut-off date calculations.
Auto Gen
- Fixed issue where ABR Auto-Gen was attempting to post transactions to closed periods. If a closed period is detected, the script now attempts to use either the first open or current period, depending on accounting preferences.
- Fixed issue where Autogen was using governance but not checking if it was near the limit, causing errors.
· Highlights Version 1.65zd
- Fix to change made in 1.65zc - Statement Direct API call to retrieve "extended" transaction details should only apply to the "Bank Gateway" service, not all Statement Direct services. Separated the requests so that Bank Gateway uses the extended version and the others revert to using the standard version.
This is a CRITICAL update for anyone on 1.65zc and using the original Statement Direct services (not Bank Gateway on Nolan Cloud Services).
· Highlights Version 1.65zb Review
Statement Direct - Mapping Feature:
- Added transactionId when rebuilding the statement dataset so statements could be created.
- Audit log: Instead of showing 'xx duplicate omitted', give more detailed information of why some statements are skipped of processing.
Statement Direct feature
- Give account -TSTDRV523089 – access to this feature.
· Highlights Version 1.65zb Update
- Also added check against Subsidiary "Inactive" status in Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks, logging and then skipping any Reconcile Accounts related to an inactive subsidiary.
· Highlights Version 1.65zc
- Updated Statement Direct API calls to retrieve "extended" transaction details (including valueDate). Added more detailed logging to Map-Reduce Extract when updating existing (previously extracted) records, to help in troubleshooting issues.
· Highlights Version 1.65zb update
- Moved the update of "target download date" so that it happens independently of the task being automated - previously it was "tied" to the download step, so did not update if that was not selected (e.g. using Auto-Import not Download).
· Highlights Version 1.65zb
- Added new script parameter, "Extract Configuration Settings", to Map-Reduce Extract script. This enables the passing of settings as JSON. The field help text explains further, and details the available options. The parameter must be set on BOTH of the script deployments to ensure it is effective. Example value for troubleshooting extract timeout/governance issues:
"searchThreshold": 5000,
"useCache": true,
"batchSize": 400,
"bulkOpSize": 400,
"logTimings": true
· Highlights Version 1.65za:
- Reinstated fix for nlapiCreateSearch() calls within Statement Direct Account Management (AKA "columns[0]" error).
- Reinstated fix for nlapiCreateSearch() calls within Statement Direct Download (Manual Tasks).
· Highlights V1.65z
- Auto Match (Use Date Range and No Grouping) - Removed a bug causing bank statement line matched to a NS transaction outside of the specified data range under certain condition.
- Reconcile Screen - ABR Reconcile script now uses bulk operations to reduce governance loads and manual matching errors.
- Extraction - Add N/cache use to reduce record load operations.
- Auto Gen - Updated determination of period status to handle each ledger individually.
- Statement Direct - Extended searches for Statement Direct manual and automated tasks, for scenarios with more than 1000 ABR Reconcile Accounts.
· Highlights V1.65y
- ABR Configuration – added 4 default settings:
- Use Map / Redce Script: checked by default
- Use Advanced Auto-Match: checked by default
- Use Bank Gateway: checked by default
- Use Statement Direct Test Instance: unchecked by default
- Statement Direct Account Management: Added a detailed warning message when deleting an account.
- Bug fixed where Extract was giving error "ReferenceError: "processStringForWrapping" is not defined." under certain conditions.
- Fixed issue where Extract was failing due to blank rows/empty records for NS Transaction Types.
- Fixed reconciliation issue where manual matches were giving errors but not undoing the action correctly.
· Highlights V1.65x
- NSABR Statement Direct – The “Reference Error length not defined” error has been resolved.
· Highlights V1.65w
- Changes to allow custom field sources for Reference and Memo per transaction type, during Extract.
· Highlights V1.65v
- ABR CSV Import - removed a bug causing file parsing problems relating to certain carriage return/line feed.
- Auto-Gen Currency Hold - removed a bug causing auto-gen not working as expected when invoice currency and payment currency are different.
- Auto-Match using exact date - solved the problem causing statement line matched to the wrong date under certain conditions.
- Auto-Gen when using a specific date of the month - removed the influence of daylight-saving time.
· Highlights V1.65u
- Statement Import – MT940: create different statement header(s) for statement line(s) having different account.
· Highlights V1.65t
- Smarter Template Expressions: Regular Expressions are now available to use in the "Entity Expression" and "Transaction Memo" fields on Auto-Gen Template records.
- Existing expressions will not be affected.
- RegEx must be placed between two "/" and prefaced with either "ref", "trnno", or "date". RegEx options can go after the last "/". For example: "{ref:/((?:DYNA)?\d{5,9})/gmi}"
- Documentation has been created for more in-depth explanations of how to use these features.
· Highlights V1.65s
- Auto-Match – Use Exact Date to Match: Removed a bug causing statement line matched to a wrong date in a specific scenario.
- Auto-Gen - NSABR Invalid Posting Period Reference Key:
- Fixed errors with Auto-Gen trying to post to locked/closed periods
- ABR will now never attempt to post to a closed period.
- If the field "Allow Transaction Date Outside of Posting Period" is "DISALLOW" then the script will check whether the transaction date is within the selected period. If not, the transaction date will be set to the first date of that period.
· Highlights V1.65r
- Statement Import: Populate MT940 statement account number with account number specified in line :25:
- Added Hold feature to Auto-Gen process:
- Added 2 fields into statement line record: Template Hold and Hold Reason. Hold Statement If Statement and Invoice Currency are different.
- Added 1 new field into ABR Auto-Gen Template record: Use Hold On Currency Difference, indicating to use Hold on bank line when Invoice Currency and Bank Link Currency are different.
- Reconcile screen: Populate NS Bank Line item Memo Display Field correctly.
- ABR Auto Gen Template updates:
- Added a checkbox named “Use Standard Nominal Account Field?” as a script parameter for script “ABR AUTO GEN Template UE2”.
- Checking this field will cause the “Nominal Account” dropdown field to be able to use standard NetSuite functionality, including Field Search. However the values in this field will no longer be filtered by subsidiary.
- Auto-Match: Field sourcing in Auto Generate Template now working correctly for Auto-Match Tolerance.
- Auto-Gen Multi-Subsidiary Templates: Payments are now applied correctly to invoices using non-primary customer subsidiaries. This is only relevant for accounts which use multi-subsidiary customers.
- Auto-Gen Templates when multiple lines cannot be matched to invoices: fixed the governance issue. The script which processes Auto-Gen templates now uses significantly less governance, which means more work can be processed before it needs rescheduling. This should also result in faster runtimes.
- Auto-Gen Posting to Prior Locked GL:
- New field added to ABR Configuration page “Allow Auto-Gen Posting To Locked Periods”. This is unchecked be default.
- The new default behaviour is:
- If the date of the transaction being created e.g. “Payment” is in a locked period, then the transaction will instead be created in either the current or first open accounting period.
- This is determined by the “Default Posting Period When Transaction Date In Closed Period” field in Accounting Preferences.
- This will be the new default behaviour If you want to allow posting to locked periods, you MUST check the box in the ABR configuration page.
· Highlights V1.65q
- Improved handling of dates within Create Statement process (Statement Direct downloads, whether standard or NCS).
- Improved field handling creating ABR Reconcile State records as part of Auto-Gen process, and better error logging.
- Prior "hotfix" for Usage limit exceeded in Create Statement process.
- Improved handling of Entity Name and entity search results.
- Moved governance check from within try..catch (error handling) to outside, so it is always checked rather than skipped in error.
- Handle Template Index correctly when pausing for governance limits, to avoid incomplete template processing.
· Highlights V1.65p
- Convert creation of statement lines (import) to use batch processing.
- Ensure Entity Name is retrieved correctly and populated on Reconcile State record.
· Highlights V1.65o
- Added 1 new option to ABR Configuration-Auto Match Unapproved JE (Journal Entry), allowing unapproved journal entries created by auto-gen process to be matched automatically. For Journal Entries generated by Auto-Gen process to be matched to the corresponding bank statement lines, either:
- Tick APPROVED checkbox in Auto-Gen template.
- Tick the new option in ABR Configuration – Auto Gen: Auto - Match Unapproved Journals.
· Highlights V1.65n
- ABR Extract: Update reconciliation state when Entity name or Transaction ID change.
· Highlights V1.65m
- New feature added: Mass update script to solve the Reference Display problem in Bank Statement side, and Memo Display problem in Reconcile State side, caused by old data.
· Highlights V1.65l
- Bug fixed which would stop Auto-Gen process when there was a problem within the template.
· Highlights V1.65k
- New feature added: NSABR NCS BAI Bank Data Field Mapping (this will only apply to certain accounts).
- Bug fixed which would auto-match using grouping-add summary type to the amount criteria.
· Highlights V1.65j
- Changes made to ABR Statement Import: Added an option to BAI Statement Import Format - Header Date as Bank Line Date (When this option is checked, use Header date as Bank Line date when importing bank statements in BAI format).
· Highlights V1.65i
- Changed the code so subsidiary information will automatically populate in the Target Account after the record has been saved.
- In the Auto-Gen template, more than 4000 accounts now allowed to be added into the account drop down list.
- Removed a bug in calculating reconcile history function.
- Removed the rounding variance when posting GL transaction.
· Highlights V1.65h
- Added extra permission - Set Up Company - to ABR Role.
- Created GL Transaction Feature, which resolved several problems:
- Press Create GL trans. After GL transaction is created and matched, Bank Statement Ref Display was set to empty.
- Unmatch, both Memo Display and Ref Display would disappear.
- Ref: ''AdvICJE11- debittesttestthisisatestGoodmorninggooddaygoodluckeveryyear'. After GL Tran created, Memo displays:'AdvICJE11-d ebittesttes'.
- Restriction added that limits the length of memo-display and reference-display to 300 characters.
- Importing Files with BAI Format - NSABR Bank Statement displays account number as account name - GI Alliance Nolan Business Solutions Inc (USA).
- Non One World Account - removed the error message in target account sublist when a Reconcile Account displays. Also removed the same error message when a Target Account is opened.
- ABR Statement Import Issue Habitech: MT940 file, statement line reconciliation account field was not populated. This has been changed.
· Highlights V1.65g
- NSABR Template Department MultiSub Validation Issue - Roivant Nolan Business Solutions.
- NSABR Non OneWorld Create GL Trx subsidiary error - 523089 Nolan Business Solutions Inc (USA).
- NSABR New Feature IC Templates Custom Field and Segment by Subsidiary.
- NSABR MisMatched Totals Auto Group - Ideal Image Nolan Business Solutions Inc (USA).
- NSABR Reconcile Window display issue solved.
- NSABR AutoMatch only processes about 25 matches - WHQ Campus Crusade Nolan Business Solutions Inc (USA): resolved
· Highlights V1.65f
- Updated MT940 statement import processing, when using the "multiple" account option (Statement Direct Auto Import, or selected in user interface), to handle Subsidiary correctly, and set Bank Account Number from the account header (:25: row) unless overridden in field mappings.
- ABR Config: Handle when no 'Tasks to Restrict' are selected.
- AutoMatch use transaction type - custom deposit - not working: Add in missing transaction type field, and tidy up, fix typo.
- Get rid of AutoGen Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Problems with elimination feature.
- Make SD Bank Gateway Option available to All Accounts.
· Highlights V1.65e
- When SD ServiceID=0, search for empty ServiceID in ABR Accounnt Setup.
· Highlights V1.65d
- Allow auto-gen templates with ABR to support Advanced InterCompany journal entries.
- Update ‘From/To Subsidiary’ field on Advanced InterCompany journal entry lines.
- Add tolerance percentages to ABR Auto Match Rules.
· Highlights V1.65c
- Removed bug in code related Statement Direct end date.
· Highlights V1.65b
- Auto-voided transactions use the correct next match number in sequence.
- Auto-extract and match from standard Journal Entry form.
- Ability to support other transaction types.
· Highlights V1.65a
- Subsidiary field now only shows the subsidiary of the lowest hierarchy.
- Further changes to typeface for the summary portlet report suitelet.
· Highlights V1.64z
- Bank statement transactions and NetSuite line transactions unmatched if tolerance Journal Entry not created.
· Highlights V1.64y
- Changes to the typeface and wording included in the Summary portlet report.
· Highlights V1.64x
- Implement Suitelet, User Event and Client Scripts to support this for Adv.IC Journal Entry form.
- Implement support in Reconcile window when Create GL Trx button clicked and Adv IC JE option has been selected.
- Remove current "Not yet implemented" alert message (reconcile client script).
· Highlights V1.64w
- Changes made to the text for Establish Opening Position.
- Auto Gen Templates correctly identifies which Target account to use on a Template, when multiple target accounts are assigned to the Reconciliation account, without any Subsidiary errors produced in a non OneWorld account.
- Auto-gen template no longer stops processing after 100 lines.
· Highlights V1.64v
- Change made so there is now no usage limit error occurring during auto-match.
- Any failures no longer create out of balance matched totals.
· Highlights V1.64u
- New portlet to create summary reports for all accounts.
· Highlights V1.64t
- Add Min/max processing dates for Statement Direct tasks
- NSABR: Add more options for matching Invoice Number on Auto-Gen Template
- Select ABR Target Account on Auto-Gen Template
· Highlights V1.64s
- ABR Target Account record and form changes to allow update of Reconcile Account field during CSV Import.
· Highlights V1.64r
- Auto-Generate Templates: Entity and Invoice searches now filter by Subsidiary.
· Highlights V1.64q
- ABR Extract process failing prepayments error fixed.
- ABR Unmatching process has improved error handling.
· Highlights V1.64p
- New option on ABR Configuration to disable auto-match of Voids or Reversals during the extract process (Map-Reduce).
- Disabled the “every time” update of ABR NetSuite Transaction Type records which was occurring during the extract process (Map-Reduce).
New display field added to ABR Configuration to show the number of types defined.
If the number of types is zero, please use the Update link to create default entries.
If the number of types is over 200, please contact Support, as this may indicate an issue.
New navigation links added to ABR Configuration to View the defined types, or to open the Update page to create/refresh the default list.
- Removed the “Import Bank Statement” process from the ABR Reconcile Wizard screen, due to multiple instances of a reported issue.
The dedicated ABR > Reconcile > Import Bank Statement screen should be used instead, to import a statement file.
- Updated handling of default start date for Extract in the Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks processing (scheduled extract).
- (BETA ONLY) Added support for “Tolerance” in Auto-Matching, to allow close approximations to be matched. This is only enabled for TSTDRV accounts at present.
· Highlights V1.64o
- Fix for trailing spaces in BAI files.
- Optimise match updates for small groups and reduce spammed record count updates with small groups.
- ABR Manual Tasks update last download date when using Auto-Import.
- ABR Extract - Additional protection against blank/null values when parsing dates.
- Configuration to allow ABR Extract Map-Reduce to handle large volumes.
- 2 deployments created for this script each with a new parameter (search threshold) to allow configuration of the maximum number of records to processed at a time.
- If a larger number of records is returned in the searches then the batch will be split and the 2 batches will be configured consecutively.
- When creating GL transactions from the reconcile screen the ABR Summary field can be hidden using the new configuration option "Hide Summary Field On Journal".
· Highlights V1.64n
- Bug fix to Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks process.
- Auto-Generate process will skip Bank Statement lines with blank amount value.
· Highlights V1.64m
- Suppress unnecessary notification email for General Journal Entries not impacting ABR.
· Highlights V1.64l
- Restrict ABR Journal Entry Approval Status check to only ABR initiated journals.
· Highlights V1.64k
- New option for Auto-Generate Templates, to determine Entity (Customer) by Invoice Search.
· Highlights V1.64j
- Handle blank group values during AutoMatch.
· Highlights V1.64i
- Bug fix for non OneWorld accounts when creating GL transaction from reconciliation screen.
· Highlights V1.64h
- Bug fix for Advanced Auto Match.
· Highlights V1.64g
- Set subsidiary on bank statement during import
- Additional filter expressions (to improve performance) for AutoMatch
- Tidy up variable scope and usage in Map-Reduce extract process (stability improvement)
- Fix for progress status error when Rows Processed is blank
· Highlights V1.64f
- “Create GL Trx” from ABR, using the NetSuite Journal Entry form, will now automatically “Extract” and “Match” the submitted journal entry to the items originally selected in the ABR Reconcile screen.
- If using Approvals on journal entries, the user must be able to approve their own transactions to use this functionality.
· Highlights V1.64d
- Better handling of various Voided transaction scenarios
- Fix for issues on single-currency NetSuite implementations
- Improve performance of Auto-Generate process
- New “Cleardown” feature to allow all transaction and statement data for a Reconcile Account to be removed (e.g. if you need to reset an account)
· Highlights V1.64a
- Bug fix for grouped statement entries when matching by check number (Advanced Auto-Match).
- Bug fix for account balance, when previously using Reversing Journals for Voids but no longer.
- Support longer reference text when using sub-reference search.
- Bug fix for maximum field length when updating Process Message.
Additionally, for NetSuite 2019.1 and the changes to Subsidiary Restrictions for Roles, we recommend that Subsidiary Restrictions for the “ABR Scheduling Role” are changed to “Active Subsidiaries” in the customer account, once they have been updated to 2019.1.
· Highlights V1.63z
- Fix Invalid Process State issue on Period Reconciliations Audit Report.
- Extend BAI date handling in header records to support 4-digit year.
- Fix AutoMatch Grouping options to correctly handle not grouping by date.
· Highlights V1.63y
- Closing Balance Report – Adjust date for user’s time zone
- Auto-Generate Process no longer uses NetSuite “yield” API
- New BETA TEST option for Sandbox environments only – Use Bank Gateway service (for Statement Direct)
· Highlights V1.63x
- New option for Auto-Matching Grouping, to group by Date (either date only, or in combination with other grouping options).
- Fix for Subsidiary handling when importing to multiple subsidiaries from a single file.
- Protection against string overflow when updating Process Message on Process Instance records.
· Highlights V1.63w
- Added new option to ABR Reconciliations Account, to include “Pending” transactions when retrieving data via Statement Direct.
· Highlights V1.63v
- Trim reference text when inserting spaces (for word-wrap) to avoid exceeding maximum field length.
· Highlights V1.63u
- Formatting of NS transaction Memo field and Bank transaction Reference field to resolve display issues on the ABR reconcile screen when these fields have long values.
· Highlights V1.63t
- Exclude inactive bank statement lines from Auto-Generate process.
· Highlights V1.63s
- Update to Map-Reduce ABR Extract to handle missing line numbers on existing Reconciliation State records.
· Highlights V1.63r
- Change Closing Balance Report (when run for an historical reconcile) to use the same search filters as the Period Reconciliations process.
- Update menu links (classic centre) to reference the correct Closing Balance Report Suitelet.
- Fix Auto-Match criteria when using Grouping, to allow the match criteria to use a sub-string of the grouped term.
- Update Period Reconciliations Audit Report process to correctly run and resume in background.
- Use Account Name First and sort by Account Name On Import Bank Statement dropdown if new configuration field 'Use Account Name First On Import Bank Statement' is checked.
· Highlights V1.63q
- Enhancement to extract functionality associated with re-scheduling of the script when processing large data sets.
· Highlights V1.63p
- Enhancements to extract routine to handle voids and reversals efficiently.
- New option on ABR Configuration named Do Not AutoMatch Voids and Reversals
- Check this box to override default behaviour and retain match to original journal
- The extract for the reversing journal will not be matched
- Bug fix for issue associated with Establish Opening Position and entry of outstanding transactions that are not already recorded in NetSuite
- Bug fix to handling of Additional Text field in BA1/BA2 files
· Highlights V1.63o
- Fixed missing module reference in MapReduce Extract process, on call to ncParseFloatNV.
· Highlights V1.63n
- Bug fix for extract of Sales Tax Payment transaction type
- Bug fix for retrieval of file cabinet folder to store downloaded statement
- Enhancements to auto-match routine to handle dates efficiently.
· Highlights V1.63m
- Additional logging added to the Auto Generate process
- Auto Generate process modified to handle autogen template account distributions correctly
· Highlights V1.63l
- Improved handling of Bank Reference, Customer Reference and Additional Text in BAI/BAI2 files
- Changes to ABR Configuration screen to prevent browsers auto-completing the Statement Direct password
· Highlights V1.63k
- Added missing filter on Template Field Sourcing records, to correct issues with bad field sourcing (SC29953).
· Highlights V1.63j
- Reference from the Bank Statement transaction is now used to populate the Memo field of the Bank Account line on the Journal Entry, when using Create GL Trx with the standard NetSuite entry form.
- Client script which warns the user on attempting to edit a transaction which is already reconciled, now calls a Suitelet to test for the existence of a reconciled ABR entry. This removes the need for every journal user to have read and search permissions on the ABR Reconciliation State custom record type.
- Script Logs updated to better indicate warning messages, rather than errors, when building the Transaction Types list and encountering types which are not available (not applicable) in the current NetSuite instance.
- Statement Direct download now uses the correct Subsidiary Id (from the related ABR Reconcile Account) when creating Bank Statement Line records.
· Highlights V1.63i
- Statement Direct Tasks: Bug fix to ensure that all Statement Direct tasks for both manual and scheduled processes are completed in the correct order.
- Import Bank Statement: Bug fix for issue associated with importing the same file multiple times and not moving it to the Processed folder.
- Edit Journal Entry: Bug fix for issue associated with a “non-ABR” user attempting to edit a journal entry that is flagged as “reconciled”.
- Configuration: New option added named Disable Default Auto-Match Rule. If checked, ABR will enforce the default matching rule based on amount and date.
- BAI Statement Format: Improve handling of “/” character in Customer Reference and Free Text fields.
· Highlights V1.63h
- New page (ABR > ABR Setup > Update Default Transaction Types) to enable manual refresh of default setup data.
· Highlights V1.63g
- Added option to Auto-Generate Templates, to use the Memo text for all lines of the generated transaction. The old behaviour (which will continue to apply if the new option is not selected) was to use the Memo text for the contra lines only, whilst using the original statement entry reference for the bank line.
- Implemented Field Sourcing from Auto-Generate Templates for the bank line.
- Update Bundle Install Script Deployment to include “after install” function call, to create default setup data on install.
· Highlights V1.63f
- Fix made to pagination on ABR Period Reconciliations Audit Report so that it now prints correctly over multiple pages.
- Inclusion of 3rd party date library script.
- Inclusion of missing search – ABR Statement Import Format Folder Search.
· Highlights V1.63e
- Bug Fix: Statement Direct Manual and Scheduled Tasks - fix incorrect variable declaration.
· Highlights V1.63d
Auto-Match Zero Value or Voided Transactions
The ABR Extract process, which retrieves transaction details from NetSuite, will now assign a match number to any new zero-value transactions and set their initial status as matched. For new reversing journals, either manually entered or generated when using the NetSuite Accounting Preference to Void Transactions using Reversing Journals, the ABR Extract process will match the original transaction to the reversing entry.
N.B. This functionality is only implemented in the Map/Reduce process, which is enabled from the ABR Configuration page.
Auto-Import from File Cabinet
New Reconcile Account and Format Definition options to match to statement files in the NetSuite File Cabinet (e.g. uploaded by the user or directly by the Bank).
New Auto-Import process which will locate unprocessed file and “import” them to create new statements in ABR, moving the file to a Processed sub-folder. This process can be scheduled as part of the Statement Direct automated tasks.
New Configuration Setting
The ABR Configuration screen now implements a setting for the Maximum Number of Rows to display in the lists on the Reconcile screen. Setting this to a value less than the maximum 1,000 should improve performance on most browsers and address a refresh issue which occurs intermittently on Chrome. A setting of 400 is recommended for most sites.
· Highlights V1.63c
Advanced Auto-Match, including one-to-many and many-to-many matching
Added new Configuration option, "Use Advanced Auto-Match".
Auto-Match processing will use new code if this option is checked.
Advanced Auto-Match includes:
- More efficient algorithm for higher data volumes (over 50,000 rows).
- Support for multiple rules per statement transaction type, with Priority sequencing.
- Support for 1-to-many and many-to-many matches by grouping records.
The Auto-Match Rules have been extended to add Priority and new fields to control grouping behaviour.
Delete Statement in one step
Delete Statement now uses script queue to complete deletion of larger statements, rather than requiring the user to delete multiple times.
“Restart” process for background execution
A new script has been added, ABR Restart Background Processes, which can be scheduled to run at regular intervals. This will locate any pending ABR tasks and schedule them for execution.
This provides a back-stop for existing scheduled tasks, if a task aborts due to unhandled NetSuite interruptions or other unexpected error situations. A restart counter ensures a single process cannot fail and restart indefinitely.
· Highlights V1.63b
- Removed JSESSIONID references in the bundle
- Fix string-length bus on the Reference matching
- Rectified Credit Card Account amount displayed in the Account Initialisation and Reconcile window
· Highlights V1.63a
- Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks – bug fix for service prefix.
· Highlights V1.62z
- Added “Advanced Intercompany Journal” to default NetSuite Transaction Types list (“ABR Transaction Type Definition” records) for new installs
· Highlights V1.62y
- Change to process scheduling for Auto-Match and Auto-Generate tasks in the Statement Direct Manual Process window, to handle greater account volumes
- Add limited support for Credit Card and Loan account types via Statement Direct. This feature is in beta test and should only be used on the advice of your account manager
- Change background process sequencing to use Date Created and Internal Id
· Highlights V1.62x
- Use correct formatter/parser when comparing NetSuite and Statement Amounts (for example, it was treating 0.19 and .19 as different).
· Highlights V1.62w
- Update record links (e.g. View link in Reconcile screen) to correctly format link address (2017.1 changes to link addresses).
· Highlights V1.62v
- Extract Transactions
- Bug fix for Map-Reduce Extract process that was incorrectly reporting an empty set (no NetSuite transactions)
- Bug fix for Map-Reduce Extract process that creates an ABR Reconciliation State using foreign currency amount
· Highlights V1.62u
- ABR Period Reconciliations Report does not finish:
- When processing large numbers of transactions there was the possibility that NetSuite would process the same transactions continually and never exit. The report will now only process each transaction once.
· Highlights V1.62t
- ABR Unreconciled NetSuite Transactions Report: Saved search modified to remove extra result lines produced when the NetSuite transaction has multiple bank account lines.
- ABR Period Reconciliations Report modified to force a yield every time when checking NetSuite governance limits while searching for reconciliation state records to reduce possibility of NetSuite error SSS_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_EXCEEDED. Governance units and instruction count should be reset to zero each time a yield occurs.
· Highlights V1.62s
- Period Reconciliation Report modifications to reduce the possibility of SSS_INSTRUCTION_COUNT_EXCEEDED error and the maximum number of governance units being exceeded
· Highlights V1.62r
- Fix for import of BAI bank transactions dated before last import date
· Highlights V1.62q
- The governance checking for the Period Reconciliations Report has been increased
· Highlights V1.62p
- Use correct date ranges for Auto-Match and Auto-Gen in Statement Direct Manual Tasks.
· Highlights V1.62o
- Further optimisations and script execution time check in limited beta test version of Auto-Match process.
· Highlights V1.62n
- Use correct date ranges for Auto-Match and Auto-Gen in Statement Direct Scheduled Tasks.
- Account Summary view for Statement Direct accounts was timing out – improved governance checking and error handling.
· Highlights V1.62m
- Map-Reduce Extract process was incorrectly reporting an empty set (no NetSuite transactions, no transactions, and no existing ABR Reconciliation State records) as a Failure. Changed to correctly report 0 records processed.
· Highlights V1.62l
- Determine account type during Extract and use to correctly retrieve transaction line values for Credit Card accounts (which have a Credit balance type, so reverse the sign compared to Bank accounts)
· Highlights V1.62k
- Better large volume support in Auto-Match and Reconcile processes. (Limited beta test)
- Update to Delete Reconcile to correctly handle session state.
· Highlights V1.62j
- Add Auto-Generate to the Reconcile Wizard
- Include new search, Outstanding Bank Statement Lines by Amount, for internal script use.
· Highlights V1.62i
- Change to Delete Reconcile routine, to correctly handle opening Position records and the Account Initialisation Reconciled Statement.
- Fix extract process Cannot read property “nsid” from undefined
· Highlights V1.62h
- Change to use correct Host header value when making server calls to Suitelets.
· Highlights V1.62g
- Change to Auto-Generate Template Processing - only set Approval flag on generated transaction where Approval ticked on template. Previously it was always setting the transaction field from the template field, which could create "pending approval" transactions on a system configured not to use approvals.
- Bug fix to Auto-Generate Template Processing - use Entity Expression results not expression itself in Entity Search.
- Change to Map-Reduce Extract Process - during Map stage, batch results for Reduce in groups of 800, rather than grouping all Additions together, all Updates together. This results in more, smaller Reduce sets so eliminates excessive workload on a single Reduce step and provides better load balancing (can split lots of additions across multiple queues, rather that all additions in one step means one queue).
· Highlights V1.62f
- Even more Yield points added to scheduled extract routine, to avoid exceeding script execution limits.
· Highlights V1.62e
- Additional Yield points added to scheduled extract routine, to avoid exceeding script execution limits.
- Trim Statement Direct Log Messages to avoid STRING_TOO_LONG on Process Log entries.
· Highlights V1.62d
- Changes to Extract Transaction routines
- Scheduled Script version – optimise code reduce memory footprint (allowing extract of greater volumes)
- Map-Reduce version – change data structure and flow between input and reduce stages to better fit NetSuite guidelines and limitations.
· Highlights V1.62c
- Updated Map-Reduce Extract process to optimise search behaviour
· Highlights V1.62b
- Retrieve Entity Name correctly within Map-Reduce extract script
· Highlights V1.62a
- Change to Registration Key validation to correctly authenticate number of active Statement Direct accounts.
· Highlights V1.62
- Extract routine supports custom transaction types (SuiteGL)
- NetSuite Transaction Types list for controlling how Extract handles each transaction type
- Default data loads on bundle install/update
- Auto-Generate Templates now include Field Sourcing to allow custom fields to be set, including custom segments (SuiteGL)
- Auto-Generate Templates can be Approved, creating Approved transactions
- Option to use NetSuite Journal Entry form for Create GL Trx, instead of ABR form - enabling entry of custom field values, custom segment values and use of other form customisations
- Record count, total matched and total selected now show in header summary on ABR Reconcile form
- Tooltip on GL Closing balance to show actual NetSuite balance
- GL Closing balance shown red if it differs from NetSuite balance (e.g. unextracted transactions)
- Summary balances no longer affected by Filters
- Option to use new Map-Reduce script for the Extract process - this can significantly improve performance for large extracts on SuiteCloud Plus accounts (accounts with multiple script execution queues)
- Process summary for Auto-Match process now includes number of matches made
- ABR Configuration screen layout improved with setting groups
- Use of NetSuite "Credentials" object to hold Statement Direct password (re-instated after defect resolved)
- This change does not come into effect until the password is re-entered and saved on the ABR Configuration screen. Statement Direct will work with old (not updated) and new password handling.
- Important Notice when upgrading:
- For the ABR Entity Type custom list, please select the “Preserve Existing Data” option.
- This will ensure your existing values are retained. If you do not select this option, please review the explanation and steps below to correct any affected data. The ABR Auto-Gen Template record contains an Entity Type field. This field selects from the custom list ABR Entity Type, which defines values for Contact, Customer, Partner and Vendor. Due to a mistake within our development account, Vendor was removed and re-added. This has changed the internal id value for Vendor from 4 to 5. If you have an ABR Auto-Gen Template record which uses an Entity Type value of Vendor and did not “preserve data” during upgrade, you will need to edit this record and re-select Vendor from the list, as the field will be blank after upgrading.
· Taking a closer look V1.62
.1 NetSuite Transaction Type Definitions
In previous versions of ABR it had fixed support for NetSuite transaction types.
These standard transaction types in NetSuite: General Journal, Bill Payment, Customer Deposit have multiple identifiers, for example, Transaction Type name, Short ID, Script ID etc…
The customised transactions can be used by your organisation to record specific data that is relevant to you i.e. partial invoices or adjusted POs.
In this new version of ABR additional transaction types have now been created within NetSuite and with the SuiteGL feature enabling the creation of custom transaction types. The new transaction type definition allows transaction types to be easily customised and extended.
With the customisation feature, you can now extract these transactions:
A default list of Transaction Type Definitions is generated when the ABR bundle is installed or updated to version 1.62.
ABR > ABR Setup > NetSuite Transaction Types > Create new transaction type
.2 Auto-Generate Templates
The addition of Approval status and Approved by user to Auto-Generate Templates allows transactions generated by a template to be approved immediately, so they are instantly available to ABR.
.3 Auto-Generate Templates Field Sourcing
ABR’s Auto-Generation Templates may now include Field Sourcing entries, which will populate values for those additional fields at body and column level.
Field sourcing will allow the user to pick up customised fields within transactions for example: Journal entries may have specific classification on accounts (Department, Location, Warehouse Etc.) that you would like noticed on each transaction.
.4 Create Journal Entries using Full NetSuite Form
The ABR configuration page now includes the option to use the NetSuite Journal Entry form instead of the simplified ABR form. This aids the user when using the “Create GL Trx” feature with custom transaction fields, additional mandatory fields and transactions approval.
This also means that all the column fields are available, for example the ‘name’ field.
.5 Summary Information on ABR Reconcile Screen
The summary information (example below) includes some new details:
Right of the screen:
Number of records (Count Column)
Total Value of matched transactions (Matched Column)
Sum of selected transactions (Selected Column)
On the left of the screen - the GL Closing balance (sum of ABR records up to the Statement Date) now has a tooltip, which appears when you hover the mouse cursor on the balance, showing the corresponding NetSuite balance.
These 2 numbers will be the same if ABR is up-to-date, so the GL Closing balance is shown in red if there is a difference, warning the user that an ABR Extract is required.
.6 Map-Reduce Scripts
With SuiteScript 2.0, NetSuite introduced Map-Reduce scripts. This new script type is ideally suited to processing large batches of data, such as an ABR Extract.
Tick this functionality if you use the SuiteCloud Plus feature.
It provides additional script processing queues, much of the processing can take place in parallel over multiple queues, shortening the overall time to completion.
The ABR Extract routine has been re-written to operate as a Map-Reduce script and use of this can be enabled in the ABR Configuration screen.
For backward compatibility and simplicity, the original scheduled script has been retained and will be used if the new option is not selected.
.7 Auto-Match Completion Summary
The summary displayed when Auto-Match processing completes now includes the number of matches made in addition to the number of records considered for matching, that was shown before.
.8 ABR Configuration Screen Update
With the addition of some new options it was time to refresh the layout of the ABR Configuration screen, placing settings together in logical groups.
.9 Statement Direct
The Statement Direct password field has now been reverted to using the NetSuite Credentials field type. Once the password is re-entered and saved, the NetSuite store will be used and Statement Direct will operate with that instead.