Software Installation (Server and Clients)
Before installing GL Integration, please ensure that there are no users logged into Microsoft Dynamics GP as this could adversely affect the installation process.
This process will need to be completed on all workstations on which Dynamics GP is installed. However, if Dynamics GP is run from a network (DYNAMICS.dic is installed in a network location), you only need to install to that location.
1. Launch the install application.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the install. The install will confirm the location of Dynamics GP and will install the GL Integration chunk file into this directory.
3. Once the install has completed, run Dynamics GP to load the chunk file.
Database Installation and Product Registration (Server Only)
Follow the following steps to properly register and install General Ledger Integration
Form security changes, palette modifications, and any necessary file upgrades are not made during the previous installation step. Use the Install window to do these automatically by following the steps below.
1. Make sure that no other users are logged into the system
2. Start Dynamics GP – if you log in using the ‘sa’ user, the install window will automatically be added to your shortcuts (go to step 7). You must login as ‘sa’ to install to a SQL database.
3. If not logged in as the ‘sa’ user, open the ‘Shortcut Bar’ and select Add. Then select Other Window.
4. Enter GL Integration Install into the Name field and then expand the General Ledger Integration folder in the Available Windows list.
5. Expand the Company folder. Then find and select the Install General Ledger Integration window in the list and push the Add button.
6. Click on the Done button to close the Add Shortcut window.
7. Select General Ledger Integration Install from the Shortcut Bar. A window showing all the companies will appear, as illustrated above (Error! Reference source not found.).
8. To register General Ledger Integration, enter your four 8-Digit Registration Keys in the fields provided (You will have received these Registration Keys with your purchase of General Ledger Integration). This is required to enable use of General Ledger Integration in companies other than the lesson company Fabrikam, Inc. Note: The registration keys may have a built in expiry date. This information is displayed in the window.
9. Click on Register, you will receive a message indicating that the Registration was successful.
10. For SQL Installations, make sure the Database option is ticked to create the tables on SQL, set permissions to them correctly and install stored procedures. The install window will automatically tick this option if it detects that either the tables are missing or a table upgrade is required.
11. Use the Mark/Unmark, Mark All and Unmark All buttons to mark all the companies to install General Ledger Integration to.
12. Press the Install button to install the software.