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This chapter provides procedures that will assist you in setting up Nolan Business Solutions Electronic Payments module. Setup procedures generally need to be completed only once, but you may want to refer to this chapter at other times for instructions on modifying or viewing existing entries.

The instructions in this chapter apply if you’re using Microsoft Dynamics GP in a Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Window Server 2003 environment. The information included in this chapter applies to Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics GP for Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Dynamics GP Standard.

Setup checklist

The following checklist lists the procedures you’ll need to complete to set up your Electronic Payments module.

1. Install Electronic Payments for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Follow the installation instructions provided to install the Electronic Payments module for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

2. Set up User-Defined Prompts

Refer to the Setting up User defined Prompts procedure for information about setting up User-defined Field labels.

3. Set up Output File Information

Refer to the Setting up Output File Information procedure for information about setting up the Bank Output file definition

4. Set up Chequebook Specific Data

Refer to the Setting up Chequebook Specific Data procedure for information about data to be set up specifically against the Chequebook ID.

5. Set up Creditor Specific Data

Refer to the Setting up Creditor Specific Data procedure for information about data to be set up specifically against the Creditor ID.

Install Electronic Payments for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Before installing Electronic Payments Register, please ensure that there are no users logged into Microsoft Dynamics GP as this could adversely affect the installation process.

To install, follow these steps. The process will need to be repeated on all Workstations on which Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed. However, if Microsoft Dynamics GP is run from a network (DYNAMICS.dic is installed in a network location), you will only need to install to on that location.

1. Run the install application you have been supplied for Electronic Payments.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the install. The install will ask for the Microsoft Dynamics GP directory and will install the Electronic Payments chunk file into this directory.

3. Once the install has completed, run Microsoft Dynamics GP to load the chunk file.

Form security changes, menu modifications and any necessary file upgrades are not made during the install procedure. Use the Install window to do these automatically by following the steps.

A Shortcut to the install window will be automatically added to the shortcut bar in a Nolan Business Solutions folder and will be called “Install Nolan Electronic Payments”.

Select “Install Electronic Payments” from the Shortcut Bar. A window showing all the companies will appear.

To register Electronic Payments, enter your Registration Keys in the fields provided (You will have received these Registration Keys with your purchase Electronic Payments). This is required to enable use of Electronic Payments in companies other than the Test Company.

1. Click on the Register Button, you will receive a message indicating that Registration was successful.

2. For Microsoft Dynamics GP for SQL and Microsoft Dynamics GP Installations, make sure the ‘Build Tables’ option is ticked to create the tables on SQL and set permissions to them correctly.

3. If this install is an upgrade from previous versions of Electronic Payments, the ‘Upgrade Tables …’ option must be ticked.

4. Use the Mark/Unmark, Mark All and Unmark All buttons to mark all the companies to install Electronic Payments to. Finally, push the Install button.

5. The “Install Nolan Electronic Payments” item may now be removed from the Shortcut Bar. .

Setup Export Format Information

Before you can begin using the Electronic Payments Module, you’ll need to enter or import information about the format of the file that you will be sending to the bank.

This section will help you understand how to create and use a User-Defined Export Format. The purpose of User Defined Export Formats is to allow you to create and maintain customisable export definitions for use in exporting payment files. The system will allow you to customise Electronic Payments to export in a customisable export format.

1. Open the Format Definition window.

(Tools, Setup, Purchasing, Electronic Payments, Export Format)

This is the main window for defining export formats. You could think of it as the top layer. I will take you through each of the fields on this window and describe their purpose, don’t worry if you do not understand their descriptions right at this moment it will become clearer as we go on, and described in more detail in Section 2.

Format ID

In this field you must type in what you wish to call your Export Format, i.e. its name. The Format ID is the reference for the export format which will be shown on all other screens in Electronic Payments. So it is a good idea that you name the export format with a relevant ID, so that when you will know which export format the ID refers to. You may not save your export format without an ID.


This is just a simple description in which you may describe the export format in more detail, So if other people look at it they will know its purpose, and to remind you just in case you forget.

File Type

Here you select the main formatting of the export file. Either it is exported in fixed format or exported with separated values.

Field Separator

Here you can select a value to separate the fields for a separated value file. Either from the drop down list provided or you may enter a character of your choice.

Field Delimiter

You select here, which character you wish to delimit your separated export file with.

File Structure

This box represents the Rows you have defined and there order within the export file that will be printed.

Edit Button

This button allows you to edit an existing row you have selected in the file structure box or create a new row.

Delete Button

Deletes the row you have selected in the file structure.

Move Up

This will move the selected row up one within its type. If there is only one row of that type then the row will not be moved.

Move Down

This will move the selected row down one within its type. If there is only one row of that type then the row will not be moved.

Save Button

This saves the format you have open to the system and clears the screen.

Clear Button

This will clear the window for you. If you have changed the format and not saved then the system will ask you whether you wish to save you changes.

Delete Button

This will delete the format you are currently working on. The system will ask you to make sure that this is what you want before proceeding.

2. Create a Format Row Definition

This window is where you can define the rows of your export definitions. This is where the meat of all the defining is done.

Will we do the same as before and run through each field on the window and explain briefly its purpose.

Row ID

This serves the same function as the format id does in the format definition window. It is the name of the row and identifies it to the rest of the system.


Again this serves the same purpose as the description in the format definition window, but it describes the row.

Row Type

Here you may pick the type of the row you wish to define. From several options

Row Sequence

This field shows a number that represents the order of this row with its row type.

Include Row

Here you can select to only include the row you have just defined under certain conditions that you can define.

Scrolling Window

In the scrolling window, you define which fields from Microsoft Dynamics GP should be placed where on the row in the export file, there are plenty of options to go along with this, so don’t worry it will all be explained in detail later on.

Save Button

This saves the row you have open to the system and clears the screen.

Clear Button

This will clear the window for you. If you have changed the row and not saved then the system will ask you whether you wish to save you changes.

Delete Button

This will delete the row you are currently working on. The system will ask you to make sure that this is what you want before proceeding.

3. Alternatively Import a predefined format

The Electronic Payments module is supplied with some pre-defined formats which may be imported into your definition window.

From the Format Definition window, select Options from the menu bar. There are two options, Import Format and Export Format. Select Import Format which will open a standard windows “Select Import File” window. Select the format that you require and press the “Open” button. The format will be imported and a message will be displayed which will tell you that the format has been imported successfully.

If you create a format which you think will be of use to other users of the product, or you wish to save your format and copy it to other sites, you may use the “Export Format” option and export the format to a text file.

Setup User-defined Prompts

Use the User Defined Prompt setup window to assign names to the user defined fields used in entering payment information against the Creditors and the Chequebooks and Banks.

1. Open the User-defined Prompts Setup window.

(Tools, Setup, Purchasing, Electronic Payments, User Defined Prompts)

2. Set-up Prompts for Creditors, Chequebooks and Banks.

The Set Prompts For dropdown list enables you to set up user defined prompts for Creditors, Chequebooks and Bank Details. These User defined fields may be entered from the Extras Menu option when maintaining Creditor, Chequebook or Bank Cards.

Enter the label that represents the data to be entered in the User-defined fields supplied with the Electronic Payments Module.

The User-Defined Long Reference prompts allow entry of field descriptions for two 80 Character fields.

The User-Defined Standard Reference prompts allow entry of field descriptions for four 30 Character fields.

The User-Defined Short Reference prompts allow entry of field descriptions for four 10 Character fields.

The User-Defined Numeric Reference prompts allow entry of field descriptions for four Numeric fields.

3. Save your information.

Choose OK to save the entries in the User-Defined Prompts Set up window.

Setup Electronic Payments Output File

When the payment run is made, the module will use the Electronic Payments Output file information to determine where to create the file, what name to give it and what format to use.

1. Open the Electronic Payments Output File window.

(Tools, Setup, Purchasing, Electronic Payments, Output File)

2. Enter the Electronic Payments Output File Information


Enter the pathname of the file to be created. The filename may contain wildcard characters in the form of a "#" symbol. The next sequence number will replace the wildcard characters when the output file is created.

Sequence Number

This number is used in filenames where wildcard characters have been defined. Each time a file is created, the sequence number is incremented by 1.

Definition ID

Enter the user define format that you have created or imported in step one. This entry will define the format in which the output file is created.


This is a display only field that will display the description of the user-defined format entered.

Setup Chequebook Specific data

The Chequebook Specific Data is that data used in the output file to identify to the bank the Payor’s details. The data set-up will be specific for that Bank and Account such as Sort Code, Account Number and Account Holders Name.

1. Open the Chequebook Maintenance window.

(Cards, Financial, Chequebook)

Select a Chequebook ID and from the Extras menu option select User Defined.

2. Enter the Chequebook specific data

Chequebook ID

This displays the Chequebook that you are currently adding Chequebook specific data for. This field may be changed to enter specific data for other chequebooks without having to return to the Chequebook Maintenance window.

User Defined Fields

The field prompts entered in Step 2 will be displayed for this chequebook. Enter the required data in the fields supplied.

Setup Creditor Specific data

The Creditor Specific Data is that data used in the output file to identify to the bank the Payee’s details. The data set-up will be specific for that Creditor and Account such as Sort Code, Account Number and Account Holders Name.

If the Creditor is to be paid via Electronic Payments, this must be indicated on the Creditor’s card.

1. Open the Creditor Maintenance window.

(Cards, Purchasing, Creditor)

Select a Creditor ID and from the Extras menu option select User Defined.

2. Enter the Creditor specific data

Creditor ID

This displays the Creditor that you are currently adding Creditor specific data for. This field may be changed to enter specific data for other creditors without having to return to the Creditor Maintenance window.

User Defined Fields

The field prompts entered in Step 2 will be displayed for this creditor. Enter the required data in the fields supplied.

3. Mark the Creditor as being paid by Electronic Payments

(Cards >> Purchasing >> Creditor)

On the Creditor Maintenance window you must check the BACS checkbox option. This may also be unchecked at any time if you wish to create a printed cheque payment for this creditor.

Next Chapter: Procedures
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