Known Limitations

SMT has several known limitations. They have different character, some of them are hard technical limits, some of them are design decision, and some of them were just not implemented yet and are subject of demand.

  • SMT does not work with Item Groups, End of Item Group, Subtotal and Description items.
  • Sales and Purchase discounts are currently not supported.
  • SMT is not triggered for inline editing (XEDIT).
  • SMT cannot proceed if there is more than 10,000 SMT Purchase Cost linked to the anchor transaction. They can be both active and inactive. This can happen for transactions with many lines that are updated frequently. This is a hard limitation imposed by NS. To bypass it, the inactive cost must be deleted to get below 10,000 records (consider mass deleting).
  • If eInteract is used, it can add additional delivery line to a Purchase Order when it is created. This addition is not recognized by SMT user event script at that time. The additional line would be processed by next SMT recalculation triggered by some other event. This can be mitigated by deferring PO creation into background processing.
  • SMT does not support over-invoicing. An excessive invoice quantity will not be allocated to the purchase cost records.
  • SMT does not support over-returning. VRA quantity is processed only up to RMA quantity.
  • SMT does not support recalculation of the margin in real-time, while user is editing the transaction. This is due to performance reasons and limited options of what can be calculated real-time. Margin is (re-)calculated only after the transaction is saved, in all contexts (assuming running of server scripts is enabled for CSV and Web Services).
  • A consolidated Vendor Bill (created via Bill Purchase Orders page) can contain max 150 Purchase Orders. This is a governance limitation because all related SOs will be processed by background calculations.
  • Expenses and Extra Bill Costs from a consolidated Vendor Bill are not proportionated among linked Sales Order. They are allocated fully to all linked Sales Orders without possibility of allocating them partially.
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