Foreign Currencies Processing

SMT calculates margin in the Functional Currency which is the currency of the subsidiary assigned to the anchor transaction; or the transaction currency if the subsidiaries are not enabled, or if the Multicurrency feature is not enabled.

The purchase cost is recorded in the SMT Purchase Cost record in the original currency (OCY, e.g., currency of Vendor Bill) and in the functional currency (FCY).

The purchase currency is mostly sourced from the purchase transaction, if available. If manual cost is used, the currency can be specified in a separate line field or transaction currency is used. Values sourced from the item record are using the currency from SMT Item Currency (custitem_nbssmt_item_currency) field, or company currency if the former is not available. Location specific costs are using location’s subsidiary currency, which should be the same as functional currency. COGS is always in the functional currency.

SMT supports multiple ways of how to retrieve the FX rate to convert the purchase price from original to functional currency.

Next Chapter: SMT Specific Rate
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