
Reinvoicing is a process used in conjunction with the Sales Invoice scenario. An invoice is credited, fully or partially, and replaced, fully or partially, by one or more invoices. The replacement invoices are created as copies of original invoice. An invoice can also be credited via “middleman” – Return Authorisation marked with SMT Credit and Reinvoice Processing (custbody_nbssmt_credit_reinvoice_proc), as explained in the Sales Invoice Credit processing route description.

A copy of the original invoice can be created via Make Copy or Make Standalone Copy actions. A standalone copy does not increase the Invoiced quantity (Quantity Billed) of the SO line, whereas the normal copy does, which might lead to over-invoicing in some cases that SMT does not support. A standalone copy will not be linked to the Sales Order via native Created From field. Instead, the standalone copies references are stored in the SMT Standalone Reinvoice Copies (custbody_nbssmt_standalone_reinvoices) field on Sales Order. This field is hidden if there are no invoices.

The link to the original invoice is stored in the Original Invoice (custbody_nbssmt_original_invoice) body field on Invoice. On the line level, there is SMT Original Invoice Line (custcol_nbssmt_original_invoice_line) line field, where the Line ID of the original invoice line is stored.

The original invoice stores the link to the latest replacement invoice in the Replacement Invoice (custbody_nbssmt_replacement_invoice) field. One original invoice can have multiple replacement invoices, but only the latest one is stored in the field. For backwards compatibility, do not change the type of this field to Multiselect!

Additional purchase cost (e.g., delivery costs) are usually linked to the first invoice. The order of the invoices is given by SMT Approval Timestamp (custbody_nbssmt_invoice_approval_time), which is set by SMT at the time the invoice is approved. If the first invoice is replaced, the replacement invoice takes its order, becomes first, even when its approval timestamp does not say so.

The SMT Purchase Cost record linked to the original (replaced) invoice is marked as Independent. The cost remains active and considered but it is excluded from margin calculation on Sales Order (SMT metrics) and future updates coming from linked transactions.

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