Release Notes

  • This update is strongly recommended for customers using older versions of SMT (pre V1.30) or newer versions with Cutover Date set in config.
    • This is due to the technical changes announced by Oracle NetSuite, coming into effect as of July 30, 2024. Customers using recent SMT versions, without utilizing of Cutover functionality, are not affected by this change.
  • Ignore Locking when Creating/Approving Reinvoice new config option to allow creation of reinvoices in locked periods.
  • Sales Invoice Credits are now created also for locked variances linked to Invoice.
  • SMT Purchase Cost records are now searchable via Global Search using their internal ID.
  • Inactivation Reason in Memo field of SMT Purchase Cost is now more detailed when the cost is inactivated due to transaction deletion.
  • Unexpected Errors are now captured in SMT Calculation Queue and can be reprocessed by a new dedicated deployment of SMT Deferred Calculation script.
    • Please, select option Update Deployments for SMT Deferred Calculation during bundle update.
  • Fix for a bug that was causing incorrect values in Billing Amount field on SMT Purchase Cost records.
  • Fix for a bug happening when a line was removed from an Item Fulfillment.
  • Fix for a bug happening when Customer was changed on a Quote.
  • Fix for a bug that was making the Close button on SMT pop-ups unavailable in NetSuite 24.1 release.


  • Exclude Shipping Items config option is renamed to Exclude Shipping Items from Billing Amount.
  • Added new config option Exclude Shipping Items from Purchase Costs. This option will be automatically enabled after update installation, if the Exclude Shipping Items (now Exclude Shipping Items from Billing Amount) was enabled before.
  • Added Product Key Expiration Date in SMT Config page. This requires updating of Product Registration (Nolans) bundle to version 1.0.4 or higher.
  • Added validation for number of linked Purchase Orders, when a consolidated Vendor Bill is being created via Bill Purchase Orders page. SMT cannot process more than 150 unique POs linked to one Bill due to governance limitations.
  • Fix to not treat as Reinvoice scenario when an Invoice is created from memorized Invoice.
  • Fix for a scenario where SO is created from an Estimate and SO Customer is changed.
  • Fix to get additional PO line costs even if the PO line linked to SO line was excluded from calculation.
  • Performance optimization.
  • New Fields on SMT Purchase Cost record: Locking Transaction Line, Sales Order Line Billing Amount (FCY), Invoice Line Billing Amount (FCY), Return Authorisation Billing Amount (FCY), Credit Memo Billing Amount (FCY).


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