NetSuite vs Business Central Webinar Series

Join us as we explore how NetSuite and Business Central handle transaction processing, comparing strengths and differences across key workflows like order-to-cash and record-to-report.


Creating Bank Auto Match Schedules for ABR

Note: You will have need to set up your matching rules and assigned them to the bank before creating an automated schedule.

What is an auto match?

The auto-match process combines several processes together to seamlessly keep your transaction pool up-to-date and automatically match transactions together according to the group of rules defined against the bank.  In detail the process will

  • Update Transactions bringing in both bank ledger transactions from business central and statement transactions from the bank
  • Automatically Match transactions according to the match group setup against the bank

ABR allows you to define an automated schedule for each bank that tells it when it should run this process.

Setting up an auto match schedule

Auto match schedules are setup against each individual <bank>.

Essentially all you are doing here is telling ABR when you want the schedule to run.  ABR supports different time-zones per bank so you can schedule the best time to be updating for the varying bank accounts you operate.  

Enabled: Until this is marked, the schedule will not run.  It is recommended to double check all your other settings before enabling a schedule.

Time zone: Select the time-zone for the bank (this will be the time-zone the system will use to schedule the transaction)

Run At: This is the time it will run in the selected time zone

Reconcile Date Option: This is what the reconcile date the system will use when running the matching rules.  In much the same way as you can select a reconcile date in the <reconcile window> to manually select and match transactions.

  • Current Date: The current date in the selected time zone
  • Specific Date: Set the reconcile date to a specific fixed date.
  • End of :  Set it to either the end of the current month or end of the previous month.

Audit Log: Click on the link to see the details in the audit log for schedules previously run

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