Sales Invoice Logic

Last updated

This logic considers existence of Invoice and Vendor Bill and their transaction dates (trandate).

If both Invoice and Vendor Bill exists, and the Invoice date is sooner than Bill date, then the Invoice date will be used to retrieve the FX rate between the Vendor Bill currency and the functional currency. If the Bill date is sooner or on the same date as Invoice, then the Bill date will be used.

If only Invoice exists, then its date will be used to retrieve the FX rate. Analogically, if only Bill exists, then the Bill date will be used. If only PO exists, then PO date will be used.

Otherwise, the NetSuite Logic, explained below, is used.

The FX rate is retrieved from the NetSuite Exchange Rate table for given currency pair and given date. Or, if triangulation is enabled, exchange rate between Bill and Invoice currencies is retrieved using Invoice date, and then multiplied by Invoice rate (specific, hedged, or normal).

Next Chapter: NetSuite Logic
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