Cash Transaction Processing

Last updated


The collection processing creates Cash Receipt Transactions within Microsoft Dynamics GP. These transactions
are available for amendment through the Microsoft Dynamics GP Cash Receipt Entry window.

Window Layout


When a transaction is deleted, the Scheduled Payment schedule are no longer marked as allocated.

The Apply Sales Document window has been amended to manage the apply of the cash receipt to the individual Schedule Lines if using the Sales Order Processing mode. If the document to which the payment is applied is changed, marked or unmarked the relevant change is automatically applied to the Scheduled Payment schedule.

Any changes to the applied amount will be disallowed if the document has a Scheduled Payment schedule. The payment must be deleted or unapplied and the schedule amended before the applied amount is amended. Credit Memo and Return transactions entered through the Receivables transaction entry window may be applied to invoices using the Apply Sales Documents window. Where this is the case, the system will check the invoice to which the credit is applied. If the invoice has a Scheduled Payment schedule, you will be required to amend the Scheduled Payment schedule and to nominate the schedule entry to which the credit transaction applies. The amount of the credit transaction must be equal to the schedule amount. If this is not the case, the schedule must be amended using the Schedule Amendment window.

Next Chapter: Schedule Amendment
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