Customer Options Entry

Last updated


Sales relationships with customers define payment terms and payment methods. When a customer’s details are entered in Microsoft Dynamics GP two new fields are available for definition of payment via Scheduled Payment and whether or not the collection is to be made electronically. These two new fields are a Scheduled Payment Checkbox and an Electronic Banking checkbox.


These checkboxes are displayed on the Debtor Maintenance Options window. If a tick appears in the Scheduled
Payment checkbox, this customer will default to Scheduled Payment processing within the Sales Order
processing system.

If a tick appears in the Electronic Banking checkbox, payments owing from this customer will
be collected via an output file to be transmitted to the bank electronically.

The values in the checkboxes will not be available for printing through the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP
Debtor List Reports; however, they will be available in reports created through Smartlist Builder and external
report writers such as SQL Reporting Services

Next Chapter: Customer Enquiry
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