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This section contains terms and acronyms used, and their explanations or synonyms.

Anchor Transaction - The root transaction where the lifecycle and calculation start. For example, the anchor transaction for an Invoice created from a Sales Order, is Sales Order. For a Credit Memo created from an Invoice, created from a Sales Order, it is Sales Order. For a Credit Memo created from a  Return Authorization, it is Return Authorization. For a standalone Invoice, it is Invoice.
Generally, anchor transactions are Sales Order, Estimate, Return Authorization, Cash Sale, standalone Invoice, and standalone Credit Memo. The anchor transaction can be found in the SMT Anchor Transaction (custbody_nbssmt_anchor_transaction) field.

Approval Timestamp - Updated by SMT when Invoice/Vendor Bill is approved. If approval routing is not enabled, or if the transaction is created as approved, this value matches creation timestamp. The field is then used to sort invoices/bills. Previously, they were sorted by internal ID, which could have caused problems when the transaction with lower ID was approved later than the other transaction with higher ID. SMT would then assign the invoices/bills in different order, causing different allocation.

Body Field - Transaction Body Field; Header Field

CM - Credit Memo; Credit Note

COGS - Cost of Goods Sold

Cost - This term is often used in this document as a short reference to SMT Purchase Cost records which are linked to transactions and represent the calculated purchase cost for given transaction line.

eInteract - SuiteApp by Nolan Business Solutions for sales and purchase order processing. It is not required to have eInteract installed for SMT to work, although SMT can use some of the eInteract features if available.

Estimate - Quote

Final document - A transaction that is considered a final source of the purchase cost in each processing route. It has the highest priority as a source. Once the transaction life cycle reaches this point, the SMT calculations goes from estimate stage into the final stage.

First Invoice - SMT assigns invoices to the purchase costs in the order given by their approval timestamp. The first invoice, in context of SMT, is the invoice that was approved first. This can be in the space of invoices assigned to a certain line, or all invoices linked to the anchor transaction (when the cost is linked to line 0). Some costs are always assigned to the first invoice, such as PPV variances, extra PO/VB costs, expenses, or delivery estimates.

Functional Currency - The currency of the subsidiary assigned to the anchor transaction. This will be the transaction currency if the subsidiaries are not enabled, or if the Multicurrency feature is not enabled.

FX - Forex, Foreign Currency

IC - Intercompany

IF - Item Fulfillment

INV - Invoice; Sales Invoice; Customer Invoice

IR - Item Receipt

Line 0 - Extra purchase cost that cannot be directly linked to any anchor transaction line are linked to the “line 0”, which in NetSuite terms could also be called “main line”. These costs increase overall purchase cost, but not affecting cost directly linked to anchor transaction lines.
NOTE: Item Fulfillment can have a line with ID 0, the term “line 0” does not apply on this case.

Line field - Transaction Line Field; Transaction Column Field

Line ID - Transaction lines in NetSuite can be identified by Line ID, Line Unique Key and Line Sequence Number. Line ID and Line Unique Key are static, whereas Line Sequence Key can change if you insert or remove lines. Line ID is unique within the transaction, Line Unique Key is unique within the entire transaction space within one NetSuite account. SMT is exclusively using Line ID to figure out relationships between transactions. Line IDs start at 1 (or 0 in case of item fulfilments) but they are not necessarily sequential. The value is not visible in UI, but it can be exposed via custom transaction line, with saved search or via XML version of the record.

Manual Cost - Value entered in “SMT Purchase Line Cost (Manual)” line field; Manual Purchase Cost

MR - M/R, Map/Reduce script; type of script that can efficiently process big data sets

NS - NetSuite

PIC - Purchase Invoice Credit, one of the SMT Processing routes

PO - Purchase Order

PPV - Purchase Price Variance

Processing Route - A way (scenario) how a purchase cost for transaction line will be processed by SMT. Processing Route dictates the sources of purchase cost and their priorities. For more details, see the section Processing Routes.

RA - RMA; Return Authorization; Customer Return Authorization

SIC - Sales Invoice Credit, one of the SMT Processing routes

SMT bundle - Nolan Sales Margin Tracker for NetSuite, ID: 281183

SMT Config - SMT Configuration record, found via Setup > Custom Records > SMT Configuration

SMT metrics - set of SMT transaction header fields summarizing the margin calculation for the whole transaction. For example, Billing Amount, Purchase Costs, Margin Value, Margin %, etc.

SO - Sales Order

UI - User Interface

VB - Vendor Bill; Purchase Invoice

VC - Vendor Credit; Supplier Credit; Purchase Credit

Vendor - Supplier; Creditor

VRA - Vendor Return Authorization; Supplier Return Authorization

Next Chapter: Product Registration
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