Product Registration

Last updated

SMT requires a product registration key provided by Nolan Business Solutions.

When this key is acquired, go to Setup > Custom > NC Product Registration, select Sales Margin Tracker in Product Name and enter Registration keys valid for current account. Currently, each Sandbox account requires its own key. 

Then go to Setup > Custom > SMT Configuration, open the only existing record in View mode, and click on the Validate Product Registration Key button. When the validation finishes the status will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

If the product key is not renewed, it will expire. When this happens, all account administrators will be notified via email. All transaction events will be queued, but margin will not be calculated until the new registration key is provisioned.

When the renewed key is provided, follow the steps above. After successful validation, the queued events will be processed automatically. This might take a while, depending on the volume of the queued events during the period with expired keys. Therefore, it is recommended to renew the key before it expires.

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