Electronic Document Exchange

Last updated

Purchase Orders

The purchase order form implements a Save & Submit Electronically button and some additional fields. Using this button to save the transaction will first validate that it can be submitted via Onetrail (vendor is enabled for Onetrail and has a GLN value, all items have a MPN value) then update the Onetrail.net Submit Status field to “Submitting”. The transaction will be saved and then submitted to Onetrail – if this completes successfully the status is updated to “Submitted” otherwise it is set to “Failed”.

If the purchase order will utilise special bid or special deal pricing, the special order type and Special Bid/Deal Reference fields must be populated before submitting the purchase order.

The Allow Partial Shipments checkbox determines whether the purchase order will request that the supplier ships all items in one shipment (not checked) or can ship items in multiple shipments (checked).

Order Responses

Supplier updates are retrieved from Onetrail on a scheduled basis, in the same manner as the product information updates. When an update is retrieved and processed, the corresponding Purchase Order within NetSuite will be updated to set the Onetrail.net Accept Status on the transaction body and the individual lines, according to the response from the supplier. Each of the status values is described here.

•    Accepted – Purchase Order or line accepted without change.
•    Changed and Accepted – The supplier made changes then accepted the Purchase Order or line.
•    Rejected – The supplier has not accepted the Purchase Order.
•    Deleted – The supplier has removed the line from the Purchase Order (or the entire order).
•    Added – A new line the supplier has added to the Purchase Order.

Any changes made by the supplier (and communicated through Onetrail) are stored in Onetrail.net PO Amendment records linked to the purchase order and visible under the Custom tab on the order form.

Desptch Advices

Despatch Advices (or Advance Shipping Notifications) are retrieved from Onetrail and used to create item receipts or item fulfilments, depending upon whether they relate to standard or drop ship purchase orders.

The transactions created will include any serial numbers provided (either in a custom field or in the standard NetSuite field if using the NetSuite feature) and any shipment tracking numbers.

Supplier Invoices

When the supplier invoice is retrieved from Onetrail the details will be used to create a vendor bill from the original purchase order.

Any additional charges specified by the supplier, such as shipping costs, will be included as expense lines on the vendor bill if the charge type has been entered on the Onetrail.net Configuration screen.

The system will attempt to match any payment terms to NetSuite terms to establish available discounts but if the supplier does not include a recognised terms identifier ad-hoc terms cannot be used. The due date for the invoice will always be set according the document provided by the supplier.

The line items, rates (purchase cost) and tax amounts will be set from the information provided.



Next Chapter: Roles and Permissions
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