Transaction Fields

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Purchase Order

The Purchase Order form has additional fields for tracking information and an extra Action for Save & Submit Electronically. An example transaction form is included in the bundle, named Drop Ship PO. This should be used as a template for modifying other forms.
To support the custom action, the main script file should be ncOTdn_POR_purchorderclient.js and ncOTdn_Constants.js must be included as a library script. The function for the action should be set to ncOTdn_SaveSubmitPO.

Transaction Body Fields

There are some body fields in the Main section, added to a new Field Group called These body fields are required to provide optional data as part of the purchase order and to track submit and accept status. The fields added are:

Submit Status

•    Shows whether this PO has been submitted electronically and whether it has been confirmed
•    There are six possible options:

i.    Not Submitted
1.    Initial Status before PO has been submitted to Onetrail
2.    To Submit, from Edit Mode, click ‘Save & Submit Electronically’ (unless you have marked ‘Purchase Orders Submit Automatically’ from the eInteract Configuration page)

ii.    Submitting
1.    Status will show whilst the PO is being submitted to Onetrail

iii.    Submitted
1.    Status once the PO has been sent to Onetrail
2.    At this point there has no recognition that the Supplier has retrieved the order

iv.    Confirmed
1.    This is the status once the Supplier has received the PO and accepted it (this also sets the Accept Status)
2.    The status will only be updated when the Order Response WebSvc (sch) and Order Response Processing scripts have been run

v.    Failed

vi.    Do Not Submit
1.    Manually change the status to this if you do not want to send the PO via Onetrail


Accept Status

The options for this are:

•    Accepted – Purchase Order or line accepted without change.
•    Changed and Accepted – The supplier made changes then accepted the Purchase Order or line.
•    Rejected – The supplier has not accepted the Purchase Order.
•    Deleted – The supplier has removed the line from the Purchase Order (or the entire order).
•    Added – A new line the supplier has added to the Purchase Order.


Special PO Type

Drop down list containing two options:
1.    Special Bid
2.    Special Deal

Special Bid/Deal Reference

Special Bid reference or contract number for Special Bid purchase orders, or Special Deal reference or quote number for Special Deal purchase orders.

Allow Partial Shipments

Indicate whether vendor fulfilment must be Complete or can be Partial

Transaction Column Fields

There are also a serious of custom column fields added to a PO:
•        P&A Lookup

Sales Order

To provide the real-time Price and Availability lookup from Sales Orders and to allow the selected Vendor and PO Rate (purchase price) to be returned, the Sales Order transaction form needs to be modified. An example transaction form is included in the bundle, named Sales Order - Invoice with P&A. This should be used as a template for modifying other forms.

The three columns required in the item lines are enabled and positioned using the Screen Fields tab and the Columns sub-tab. The columns are: P&A Lookup, PO Vendor, PO Rate.

On the Custom Code tab, the main script file should be ncOTdn_PandA_salesorderclient.js and ncOTdn_Constants.js must be included as a library script. The Field Changed Function should be set to ncOTdn_OnFieldChanged.
When the user marks the P&A Lookup checkbox in the item line, the P&A Enquiry window will be opened as a popup (via the Field Change script).


Next Chapter: Electronic Document Exchange
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