Roles and Permissions

Last updated

Some of this may have already been mentioned in the relevant sections, but below is a summary of permissions required.

The custom records implemented by this bundle have been configured to use permissions, with Full Access granted to the Administrator role. To grant other roles access, those roles must be customised to set the required level of access to each of the custom record types.

The Price and Availability suitelets implemented by this bundle have been configured with an audience of All Employees. This allows all internal users access to the suitelet, although their role will also require access to Vendors and Items. The Configuration suitelet is only available to the Administrator role.

The following details describe the access required for each of the processes.


Access to the suitelet script deployment; full access to the Configuration custom record. Edit the audience on the suitelet to change access and add full access to each role that needs this access.

By default, Administrator only.

Price and Availiability Enquiry

Access to both the suitelet script deployments; view access to the Configuration custom record, view access to Items and Vendors. Note: if the system is configured to Update Items on P&A Enquiry, edit access will be needed on Items.

By default, Administrator only.

Submit Purchase Order Electronically

View access to the Configuration custom record. By default, Administrator only.

Scheduled Processes

As the scheduled processes run as Administrator, no additional action is required to enable scheduled execution. If a deployment will be created for manual execution (e.g. testing or on-demand execution) then the user executing that deployment will require view access to the Configuration and Charge Expense custom records and full access to the Saved Response and PO Amendment custom records as well as appropriate access to NetSuite records (e.g. full access on items if running the Product Information process).


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