Item Fields

Last updated

Don't Use SMT Allocation (custitem_nbssmt_dont_use_alloc) - If this is checked then then the difference between transaction amounts (e.g., PO and VB) is NOT split (allocated) between sales rep and company, the full final transaction amount (e.g., Bill) is considered for margin calculation.

This value will be copied to transaction line field “Don't Use SMT Allocation” (custcol_nbssmt_dont_use_alloc).

Only applicable for following scenarios:

Return to Vendor
Project to Cash

SMT Item Currency (custitem_nbssmt_item_currency) - Value copied from Currency field which is not searchable. This currency is used for Purchase Price, Last Purchase Price, and Average Purchase Price. Hidden field.

Don't Use SMT Allocation Threshold (custitem_nbssmt_dontuse_alloc_threshld) - If this is checked then then the thresholds defined on SMT Config are ignored and the Price Variance Percentage will be required for transaction line if there is difference between the amounts (e.g., PO and VB), even if the difference is below threshold.

This value will be copied to transaction line field “Don't Use SMT Allocation Threshold” (custcol_nbssmt_dontuse_alloc_threshld).

Only applicable for following scenarios:

Return to Vendor
Project to Cash

Exclude from SMT Cost Calculation (custitem_nbssmt_exclude_cost_calc) - If this is checked transaction line with this item will be excluded from SMT Cost calculation.

Next Chapter: Transaction Body Fields
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