Transaction Body Fields

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Complete Sales Revenue (custbody_tcn_so_complete_sales_revenue) - Sales minus credits. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore. Use fields described in SMT Metrics instead.

Hedged Rate Used (custbody_nbssmt_hedged_rate_used) - Checkbox to mark (manually or by script) that the “exchangerate” field is using hedged rate.

Subsidiary Currency (custbody_nbssmt_subsidiary_currency) - Functional Currency of Subsidiary, sourced, hidden field.

Complete Costs (custbody_tcn_so_complete_costs) - Purchase Order/Invoice minus vendor return/vendor credit. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore. Use fields described in SMT Metrics instead.

Link to Vendor Bill (custbody_nbs_smt_linked_vb) - Links this Vendor Bill to another Vendor Bill. This link was used by SMT to allocate separate shipping costs to the correct item invoice. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore.

Margin Value (custbody_tcn_so_marginvalue) – see SMT Metrics for details.

SMT Calculation Status (custbody_nbssmt_calculation_status) – see SMT Metrics for details.

SMT Credit and Reinvoice Processing (custbody_nbssmt_credit_reinvoice_proc) - Use this field on Return Authorisation to indicate that a Credit Memo will be raised from this RA that should be linked as Sales Invoice Credit to the Invoice this RA was created from. This RA will then not be used as anchor for Return to Stock/Vendor processing.

SMT Delivery Costs Data (custbody_nbssmt_delivery_costs_data) - Hidden text field with JSON containing delivery data entered via pop-up suitelet.

SMT IC SO (custbody_nbssmt_ic_so) - Link to Intercompany Sales Order. Set by SMT on IC SO at creation to be carried over to PO, VB and VRA.

SMT Update Timestamp (custbody_nbssmt_update_timestamp) - Captures latest timestamp for any SMT Purchase Cost records update. 

Margin % (custbody_tcn_so_marginpercent) - see SMT Metrics for details.

Margin % (Complete) (custbody_nbssmt_marginpercent_complete) - see SMT Metrics for details.

NBS Recalculate Costs (custbody_tcn_recalculatecosts) - this field needs to be ticked each time on the Invoice if the margin should be recalculated after the invoice is updated. Only applicable on Invoices. The field remains ticked only for current update.

Original Invoice (custbody_nbssmt_original_invoice) – see Reinvoicing for details.

Shipping Cost (custbody_tcn_po_shippingcost) - The estimated/agreed shipping cost for this PO. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore.

SMT Approval Timestamp (custbody_nbssmt_invoice_approval_time) – Time when Invoice/Vendor Bill is approved. See Approval Timestamp in Glossary for details. The field should be kept unlocked so the display type can be changed if we need to update it.

SMT Linked Standalone VRA (custbody_nbssmt_linked_standalone_vra) - List of standalone Vendor Return Authorisations that are linked to Return Authorisation.

SMT Review Delivery Costs (custbody_nbssmt_review_delivery_costs) - HTML field for button to review delivery charges. Its HTML code will be set by UE script.

SMT Specific FX rate (custbody_nbssmt_specific_fx_rate) - Specific Exchange Rate than can be used to override the native Exchange Rate in SMT Calculation.

This is the rate between transaction currency and transaction subsidiary's currency.

SMT Specific FX Rate will be used if it is not empty and if “Use Extended SMT Logic for FX Rate Retrieving” option is enabled on SMT Config and “SMT Specific Rate” option is not selected in “Logics Excluded from Extended SMT FX Logic”.

Total Allocated Price Variance (custbody_nbssmt_total_price_variance) - Sum of all Line Price Variances will be set in this field.

If enabled in SMT Configuration, user if prompted to enter percentage if there is a difference between Purchase Order and Bill line amount. Line Price Variance will be calculated based on the difference and the percentage.

Billing Amount (Complete) (custbody_nbssmt_billing_amt_complete) - see SMT Metrics for details.

Do Not Run SMT (custbody_nbssmt_do_not_run) - Tick this box to not run SMT when you submit this transaction. If this is ticked on the anchor transaction, SMT will never calculate margin for it. If this is ticked on the related transaction, then any update on that transaction will not trigger SMT. However, if you edit other related transaction where Do Not Run SMT is not ticked, the update from the transaction where Do Not Run SMT is ticked will be processed too. The field stays ticked until it is manually unticked.

Final Cost Lines (custbody_nbssmt_final_cost_lines) - Hidden field to store item lines where the Purchase Line Cost is final. Field will be used to visually differentiate these lines by script.

SMT Anchor Transaction (custbody_nbssmt_anchor_transaction) - Anchor transaction for SMT. For example, the anchor transaction for Invoice created from Sales Order is Sales Order. For Credit Memo created from Invoice that is created from Sales Order, it is Sales Order. For standalone Invoice is Invoice. The anchor transaction should be used for correction.

Allow Override SMT Calculation Lock (custbody_nbssmt_allow_override_lock) - If you edit a locked transaction, SMT values will not be updated because transaction is either in closed period or the period was selected for locking in SMT Config.

Use this checkbox to override the lock. This override will apply one time only, for next override you need to check it again.

Only visible if “Allow Override SMT Calculation Lock for Single Transaction” is enabled in SMT Config and SMT Calculation Status is Estimates Locked - Pending Updates or Final Margin Locked - Pending Updates.

Complete Gross Profit (custbody_tcn_so_complete_gross_profit) - Difference between Complete Sales Revenue and Complete Costs. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore. Use fields described in SMT Metrics instead.

Replacement Invoice (custbody_nbssmt_replacement_invoice) - see Reinvoicing for details.

SMT Error Message (custbody_nbssmt_error_msg) - Details of error that occurred during SMT Margin calculation. Hidden if empty.

SMT Invoice Update Limit (custbody_nbssmt_invoice_limit) - Number of Invoices and "Maximum Number of Transactions to Process" from SMT Config, as JSON, used by SMT to correctly determine initial Calculation Status. Updated by SMT Transaction Events (2.1) on SO, value flows to Invoice. Hidden field.

Updated by Scheduled Recalculation (custbody_nbssmt_updated_by_sched_recal) - Hidden field to be changed by background scripts only, e.g., "SMT Scheduled Calculation (2.1)". If the value has changed then the UE script "SMT Transaction Events (2.1)" will not perform calculation after the script updated the transaction record.

Billing Amount (custbody_nbssmt_billing_amount_fcy) – see SMT Metrics for details.

Period Info (custbody_nbssmt_period_info) - Hidden formula field to source information about accounting period. Should be applied on anchor sales transaction + Invoices. Does not work on Sales Order.

SMT Correction Deployment (custbody_nbssmt_correction_deployment) - Field referring to the deployment of SMT Correction Tool (Map/Reduce script) that should be used to correct this transaction. Applicable on Sales Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos, Cash Sales, Return Authorizations.

SMT Events Log (custbody_nbssmt_events_log) - Log of events that triggered SMT calculation. Array of objects. Hidden field.

Threshold Exceeded & Missing Variance Percentage (custbody_nbssmt_threshold_exceeded) - This checkbox will be ticked by SMT script if one or more of the Bill lines have different amount than the corresponding Purchase Order Line and this difference exceeds lower threshold set on SMT Config record and the Price Variance percentage is missing for this line.

Only applicable on Vendor Bills and Vendor Credits.

Margin Calculation Complete (custbody_nbscomm_margincalcdone) - Used by Sales Margin Tracker to indicate whether calculation of margin on this invoice is complete, or still pending. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore.

Purchase Cost (Complete) (custbody_nbssmt_purch_cost_complete) - see SMT Metrics for details.

SMT Delivery Costs Total (custbody_nbssmt_delivery_costs_total) - Sum of costs linked to line 0. Hidden field. The value is displayed on the “Review Delivery Costs” button.

SMT Has Additional Lines (custbody_nbssmt_has_add_lines) - Indicator that Sales Invoice, Credit Memo or Vendor Bill has extra lines that are not present on originating Sales Order or Return Authorisation or Purchase Order. Hidden field.

SMT VRA Has Linked Standalone Line (custbody_nbssmt_vra_linked_stdl_line) – Marked by script if the VRA is not standalone but has at least one standalone (extra, not linked to Created From transaction) line that is linked to RMA. This could be when VRA line was split to be linked to more than one RMA. Hidden field.

Costs Calculated (custbody_tcn_comm_costs_calculated) - Flag to indicate that calculation of commission costs is complete. Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore.

Margin Value (Complete) (custbody_nbssmt_margin_value_complete) – see SMT Metrics for details.

Purchase Cost (custbody_tcn_so_purchcost) – see SMT Metrics for details.

SMT Standalone Reinvoice Copies (custbody_nbssmt_standalone_reinvoices) - List of Invoices that were created as standalone copies of invoices raised from current Sales Order. These Invoices do not have a direct link to SO, but they should be linked for SMT. Apply on SO forms. The field is hidden by script if it is empty. See Reinvoicing for details.

Next Chapter: Transaction Column Fields
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