Transaction Column Fields

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Project Related Sales Transaction (custcol_nbssmt_project_related_so) - Sales Transaction (Sales Order, standalone Invoice, Credit Memo, or Cash Sale) with the same Project this purchase cost was allocated to. Must be applied on Purchase Order, Vendor Bill, Vendor Return Authorization and Vendor Credit forms or on the versions of these forms that are intended for Project to Cash.

SMT Additional Line (custcol_nbssmt_additional_line) - Hidden field to mark the lines that did not come from original transactions. This would be carried over from VB to VRA and VC.

SMT Margin Line Percent (custcol_nbssmt_margin_line_percent) - The calculated margin percentage on the anchor transaction line.

SMT Purchase Invoice Credit Allocation Percentage (custcol_nbssmt_purch_inv_credit_perc) - Percentage of Vendor Credit line amount (net) is allocated and used to reduce purchase cost during SMT Margin calculation.

The value is sourced by script from SMT Config but can be overwritten by user.

Only applicable on Vendor Credits.

SMT Purchase Line Cost (Manual) (custcol_nbssmt_purch_cost_manual) - If this value is entered it will replace the default cost sourcing (in Purchase Line Cost line field) for margin calculation. This can be used to create an accurate estimate if there is no purchase transaction yet.

This line field is hidden if "Allow Manual Override of Purchase Line Cost" in SMT Config record is not enabled.

Don't Use SMT Allocation (custcol_nbssmt_dont_use_alloc) - If this is checked then then the difference between transaction amounts (e.g., PO and VB) is NOT split (allocated) between sales rep and company, the full final transaction amount (e.g., Bill) is considered for margin calculation.

This value is sourced from Item record from “Don't Use SMT Allocation” (custitem_nbssmt_dont_use_alloc).

Only applicable for following scenarios:

Drop-Ship / Special Order
Return Process
Project to Cash

NBS Comm Line (custcol_tcn_comm_line_seq) - Auto-generated line sequence used to track order lines through to sales invoice. Also used for IC linking.

PO Rate (otdn) (custcol_otdn_so_porate) - Unit Cost to be carried forward to Purchase Order. eInteract field, not used by SMT.

SMT RMA Unallocated (custcol_nbssmt_rma_unallocated) - Marked by script when user unselected RMA on VRA from Related RMA field. It prevents from automatic re-allocation. Hidden field.

SMT VRA/VC Created From (custcol_nbssmt_vra_cf_stored) - Must be applied on VRA and VC forms. Can be hidden if Expenses are not used.

PO Vendor (otdn) (custcol_otdn_so_povendor) - Vendor to be carried forward to Purchase Order. eInteract field, not used by SMT.

Project Related Sales Transaction Type (custcol_nbssmt_project_tran_type) - Type of transaction referenced in Project Related Sales Transaction (custcol_nbssmt_project_related_so), hidden field.

Must be applied on Purchase Order, Vendor Bill, Vendor Return Authorization and Vendor Credit forms or on the versions of these forms that are intended for Project to Cash.

SMT Margin Line Value (custcol_nbssmt_margin_line_value) - The calculated margin value on the anchor transaction line.

Exclude from SMT Cost Calculation (Sourced) (custcol_nbssmt_item_exclude_calc_srcd) - Hidden sourced field to be used to reset default value for “Exclude from SMT Cost Calculation” (custcol_nbssmt_item_exclude_cost_calc) when the transaction is copied. “Exclude from SMT Cost Calculation” has a stored value so the default sourced value would be overwritten by copied value, hence the purpose of this field is to avoid getting of the default values by search.

Line Related SMT Costs (custcol_nbssmt_line_related_costs) - HTML with clickable link to open a popup suitelet with related SMT Purchase Costs records.

Price Variance Percentage (custcol_nbssmt_price_variance_prcntg) - If enabled in SMT Configuration, user is prompted to enter percentage if there is a difference between Purchase Order and Bill line amount. Line Price Variance will be calculated based on the difference and the percentage.

SMT Estimate Line (custcol_nbssmt_estimate_line) - Estimate Line ID, set by SMT. Disabled field. This value will then flow to SO, Invoice or Cash Sale so we can link them on SMT Purchase Cost records. Standard search does not recognize the links between Estimate and related transaction on line level.

Apply on SO, Invoice and Cash Sales forms.

SMT Estimate Update Approach (custcol_nbssmt_update_approach_estmt) - Update Approach used for initial estimate updates. Allows manual override. Only available on anchor transaction, e.g., Sales Order or standalone Invoice. The column is disabled in UI if “Allow Manual Override of Purchase Processing Route and Update Approach in UI” in SMT Config is not enabled.

SMT Line Billing Amount (FCY) (custcol_nbssmt_line_billing_amt_fcy) - Set by SMT script with proper exchange rate (specific/hedged/native) as Amount * Exchange Rate.

SMT Purchase Line Cost HTML (custcol_nbssmt_purch_cost_html) - HTML field to be used to highlight lines where the SMT Purchase Price is final. Field is being set by "SMT Transaction Events (2.1)" User Event script. The column is hidden if the "Cost Processing Routes" on SMT Config is not set to "Use Processing Route Logic".

Line Price Variance (custcol_nbssmt_line_price_variance) - Calculated purchase price variance.

If enabled in SMT Configuration, user if prompted to enter percentage if there is a difference between Purchase Order and Bill line amount. Line Price Variance will be calculated based on the difference and the percentage.

PO Line ID (custcol_nbssmt_po_line_id) - Bill Lines do not have native link to order line when the Bill is created from multiple POs.      

This custom column is sourced via formula on PO and Bill. It holds the PO values when the Bill is being created. After creation, the values are overwritten by Bill line IDs but at this point the lines already have the native link to order lines created.

Legacy field, not used by SMT anymore.

SMT Final Value Update Approach (custcol_nbssmt_update_approach_fnlupd) - Update Approach used when the final value is updated. Allows manual override. Only available on anchor transaction, e.g., Sales Order or standalone Invoice. The column is disabled in UI if “Allow Manual Override of Purchase Processing Route and Update Approach in UI” in SMT Config is not enabled.

SMT Cost Processing Route (custcol_nbssmt_cost_proc_route) - SMT Cost Processing Route determines how the costs related to specific transaction line will be treated across the cost lifecycle (Estimate, Transfer to Final Value, Final Value Update). This can be set/reviewed in SMT Config record. This field is automatically set by SMT based on the pre-defined criteria but can be manually set by user individually for separate lines if “Allow Manual Override of Purchase Processing Route and Update Approach in UI” option is enabled in SMT Config.

On Purchase side this should be applied on Vendor Credits only.

Apply in all Sales Order and Return Authorisation forms.

SMT Expected Margin % (custcol_nbssmt_expected_margin_perc) - If Expected Margin Value or Expected Margin Percent are populated on the anchor transaction line, the sales rate will be adjusted to match the expected margin based on the calculated purchase cost. If both columns are populated, then Expected Margin Value takes precedence.

100 % is not allowed. Over 100% is not allowed for Inventory items and Assembly items because it would produce negative rate. The validation is performed by SMT Client Validation client script.

SMT Purchase Currency (custcol_nbssmt_purchase_currency) - Currency used on Purchasing transactions (Purchase Order or Vendor Bill) for Drop Ship/Special Order scenarios.

This field can be used to select currency of manual cost entered in SMT Purchase Line Cost (Manual). If the currency is not selected here for manual cost, then the manual cost is using transaction currency.

SMT Return to Vendor Cost Currency (custcol_nbssmt_return_to_vendor_cur) - Currency of SMT Return to Vendor Cost OCY. Hidden field for variance calculation.

SMT Return to Vendor Cost OCY (custcol_nbssmt_return_to_vendor_cost) - Sum of Return to Vendor cost in original currency, for variance calculation. Hidden field.

SMT Unallocated Price Variance Comments (custcol_nbssmt_unalloc_var_comments) - Comments for Unallocated Price Variance entered via "Missing Price Variance Percentage" pop-up. Should be applied to Vendor Bill and Vendor Credit.

SMT Unallocated Price Variance Reason (custcol_nbssmt_unalloc_var_reason) - Reason for Unallocated Price Variance entered via "Missing Price Variance Percentage" pop-up. Should be applied to Vendor Bill and Vendor Credit.

Subscription Currency (custcol_nbssmt_subscription_currency) - Currency of related Subscription. User must be able to override this value.

Only applicable on SuiteBilling Invoices.

Order Line (custcol_nbssmt_order_line) - Value from “line” is copied to this field on Sales Order by SMT Transaction Events (2.1) and the values then flow to next financial documents (e.g., Invoice). Invoice has a native “orderline” line field which has the same behaviour, but it is not available in View mode.

Related Return Authorisation (custcol_nbssmt_vra_related_ra) - Return Authorisation that the Vendor Return Authorisation is linked to for purpose of margin calculation.

The field should be applied on VRA forms.

Related Return Authorisation Line (custcol_nbssmt_vra_related_ra_line) - Line link for Related Return Authorisation. Only required if Related Return Authorisation is standalone, Vendor Return Authorisation is standalone or VRA: Created From is standalone transaction.

SMT Original Invoice Line (custcol_nbssmt_original_invoice_line) - Line ID of the Invoice line the current Invoice is copied from. Apply on all Invoice forms.

SMT Restock Fee (custcol_nbssmt_restock_fee) - Restock Fee used on Return Authorization and Credit Memo.

The value in this field is expected to behave as rate, not amount (rate multiplied by quantity). This will be considered as unit purchase cost for purpose of SMT calculation.

Restock Fee is considered only in estimate phase of SMT Calculation and will be replaced by final document cost. Restock Fee from Credit Memo supersedes Restock Fee from Return Authorization.

SMT Return to Vendor Quantity (custcol_nbssmt_return_to_vendor_qty) - Return to Vendor quantity for given RA line. Hidden fields for variance calculation.

SMT Transfer to Final Value Approach (custcol_nbssmt_update_approach_trnfnl) - Update Approach used for transfer to final value. Allows manual override. Only available on anchor transaction, e.g., Sales Order or standalone Invoice. The column is disabled in UI if “Allow Manual Override of Purchase Processing Route and Update Approach in UI” in SMT Config is not enabled.

On Purchase side this should be applied on Vendor Credits only.

Don't Use SMT Allocation Threshold (custcol_nbssmt_dontuse_alloc_threshld) - If this is checked then then the thresholds defined on SMT Config are ignored and the Price Variance Percentage will be required for transaction line if there is difference between the amounts (e.g., PO and VB), even if the difference is below threshold.

This value is sourced from Item record from “Don't Use SMT Allocation Threshold” (custitem_nbssmt_dontuse_alloc_threshld).

Only applicable for following scenarios:

Return to Vendor
Project to Cash

Exclude from SMT Cost Calculation (custcol_nbssmt_item_exclude_cost_calc) - If this is checked transaction line will be excluded from SMT Cost calculation. The value is sourced from Item record when the transaction is created and can be manually changed.

SMT Expected Margin Value (custcol_nbssmt_expected_margin_val) - If Expected Margin Value or Expected Margin Percent are populated on the anchor transaction line, the sales rate will be adjusted to match the expected margin based on the calculated purchase cost. If both columns are populated, then Expected Margin Value takes precedence.

SMT Purchase Line Cost (custcol_nbssmt_purchase_line_cost) - The calculated purchase costs for the anchor transaction line in Subsidiary's functional currency.

SMT Purchase Line Cost OCY (custcol_nbssmt_purchase_line_cost_ocy) - The calculated purchase costs for the Sales Order line in original currency. Hidden field.

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