Create a rule which will select 'Interest' payment from the statement and create a Bank Ledge Transaction to match them against
Create the Transaction Template
- Goto ABR -> Transaction Templates
- Click 'New'
- Enter 'Template Name' of 'Interest'
- Select 'Bank Ledger' for the Transaction Type with is the type of transaction which this template will create
- Review the Field Mappings, the Reference field will use the value from the 'Memo' field, and the 'Transaction Date' will be taken from the Statement's 'Transaction Date'
- Under the Nominal Account Breakdown
- The 'Bank' side of the transaction will take 100% of the Amount
- On the 2nd line click the Lookup under 'Selected Nominal Account' and select an account to post the balancing amount to
- Click 'Save'
Create a Rule to use the template
- Goto ABR -> Match Rules
- Click 'Add'
- Enter a 'Rule Name' of 'Interest - Auto Create Trx'
- Under Match Clauses, click 'Add Clause'
- On left side Data Source select 'Statement Trx'
- for 'Value' select Memo
- In 'Operator' select 'Contains'
- Set the right hand 'Data Source' to Constant
- In 'Value' enter 'Interest'
- Click 'Save'
The match rules run for each statement row, since we have no matching clauses in our rule (A clause which contains a Statement and Bank Ledge field)
The rule will NEVER find a matching Bank Ledger transaction
However where the filter clause picks out Memo fields containing 'Interest' rows, the rule will run
- on the 'On No Match' action select 'Create Bank Ledger Transaction'
- Next to Transaction Templates click '+'
- select the Transaction Template you created earlier 'Interest'
- For 'On Single Match' and 'On Multiple Matches' select 'Do Nothing'