Rule to auto create a Transaction

Last updated

Create a rule which will select 'Interest' payment from the statement and create a Bank Ledge Transaction to match them against

Create the Transaction Template 

  1. Goto ABR -> Transaction Templates
  2. Click 'New'
  3. Enter 'Template Name' of 'Interest'
  4. Select 'Bank Ledger' for the Transaction Type with is the type of transaction which this template will create
  5. Review the Field Mappings, the Reference field will use the value from the 'Memo' field, and the 'Transaction Date' will be taken from the Statement's 'Transaction Date'
  6. Under the Nominal Account Breakdown
  7. The 'Bank' side of the transaction will take 100% of the Amount
  8. On the 2nd line click the Lookup under 'Selected Nominal Account' and select an account to post the balancing amount to 
  9. Click 'Save'

Create a Rule to use the template

  1. Goto ABR -> Match Rules
  2. Click 'Add'
  3. Enter a 'Rule Name' of 'Interest - Auto Create Trx'
  4. Under Match Clauses, click 'Add Clause'
  5. On left side Data Source select 'Statement Trx'
  6. for 'Value' select Memo
  7. In 'Operator' select 'Contains'
  8. Set the right hand 'Data Source' to Constant
  9. In 'Value' enter 'Interest'
  10. Click 'Save'

The match rules run for each statement row, since we have no matching clauses in our rule (A clause which contains a Statement and Bank Ledge field)

The rule will NEVER find a matching Bank Ledger transaction

However where the filter clause picks out Memo fields containing 'Interest' rows, the rule will run

  1. on the 'On No Match' action select 'Create Bank Ledger Transaction'
  2. Next to Transaction Templates click '+'
  3. select the Transaction Template you created earlier 'Interest'
  4. For 'On Single Match' and 'On Multiple Matches' select 'Do Nothing'

Transaction Templates are associated with Finance System Companies, the nominal accounts specified with in the template are specific to a single company.

If you use your Matching Rules which generate transaction in multiple companies you must create a Transaction Template for each company, and add them under the 'On No Match' action.

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