Setup a Simple Match Rule

Last updated

To setup a simple match rule to match transaction on Transaction Date and Transaction Amount

  1. Goto ABR -> Match Rules
  2. Click on New
  3. Enter a Rule Name  'Exact Match on Transaction Date and Amount'
  4. Under Match Clauses click 'Add Clause'
  5. On the left side, select Data Source 'Statement Trx'
  6. In the 'Value' dropdown, select 'Transaction Date'
  7. On the right side select Data Source 'Bank Ledger Trx'
  8. In the 'Value' dropdown, select 'Transaction Date'
  9. You match clause should now look like this
  10. Click 'Save' to save the clause
  11. Next click 'Add Clause' to add the 2nd part of the Rule
  12. This time select 'Transaction Amount' as the field on both sides 
  13. Click 'Save' 
  14. You now have 2 clauses
  15. Complete the rule by select what actions to take
  16. For 'On Single Match' select 'Match'
  17. For 'On Multiple Matches' select 'Take First' this ensures that even if there are multiple matching records at least 1 is used to match
  18. Your final rule will look at follows
  19. Click 'Save' to save the rule
Next Chapter: Adding a Rule to a Group
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