
Last updated

Estimates, or Quotes, do not have any final document. Until the Estimate is transformed into SO (or Cash Sale or Invoice), the cost is taken from these sources:

  1. Manual Cost
  2. eInteract PO Rate (custcol_otdn_so_porate)
  3. NS Cost Estimate (costestimate)
  4. Item Average Price (Location Specific)
  5. Item Average Price
  6. Item Last Purchase Price (Location Specific)
  7. Item Last Purchase Price
  8. Purchase Price


Once the Estimate is transformed, the costs linked to the SO will also be linked to the Estimate and will replace the original costs linked to the Estimate. However, the margin metrics on Estimate will still reflect the original costs linked only to the Estimate before transformation. If the processed (transformed) Estimate is updated, new purchase costs are created. SMT metrics on Estimate will only consider costs that are not linked to any Sales Order, Invoice or Cash Sale.

Next Chapter: Standalone Invoice/Cash Sale/Credit Memo
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