Return To Vendor

Last updated

Once there is a Vendor Return Authorization created, approved, and linked to a Return Authorization, the purchase costs will be processed as Return to Vendor scenario.

The estimate sources are the same as for Return to Stock route, the final document is Vendor Credit.

Return to Vendor takes priority over Return to Stock route, therefore an RMA line can be reclassified from Return to Stock to Return to Vendor. If the line previously had a COGS from Item receipt, the COGS will no longer be considered because the final value is expected to come from Vendor Credit.

If VRA line has greater quantity than RMA line, the VRA will only be considered up to RMA quantity.

One RMA line can be partially processed as Return to Stock and partially as Return to Vendor if VRA line quantity is less than RMA line quantity.

If RMA is standalone, or there is a standalone VRA line linked, the cost can be sourced from VRA line rate if there is no manual cost on CM or RMA line with higher priority.

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