Project To Cash (Standalone Purchase Transactions)

Last updated

Standalone Purchase Transactions for Project to Cash scenarios are standalone Purchase Orders, standalone Vendor Bills, and Vendor Bills created from standalone Purchase Orders.

These standalone transactions must have a Project (Job) selected on item or expense lines.

Sales Orders, or standalone Invoice, Cash Sale, or Credit Memo, can have a project assigned on header level or online level (if Project Consolidation NetSuite feature is enabled).

It is assumed that there will always be one project per anchor transaction (SO, Invoice, CS, CM).

Multiple anchor transactions can have the same project assigned.

If a purchase transaction (PO, VB) has the same project assigned, then it will be linked by SMT to the anchor transaction. If there are more anchor transactions with the same project, the first (oldest) will be used for linking.

The link is created via Project Related Sales Transaction (custcol_nbssmt_project_related_so) line field on the purchase transaction. The link can be overridden manually as long as the project on PO/VB and sales transaction match.

The cost is taken from PO/VB rate as additional costs increasing the overall purchase cost for anchor transaction. Project costs are allocated to related invoices proportionally.

If Sales Order is fully billed (invoiced), then any difference between the project PO and its Vendor Bill will be assigned to the last invoice.

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