Purchase Invoice Credit

Last updated

Purchase Invoice Credit (PIC) is one of the SMT’s return scenarios. It is based on Vendor Credit that is:

  • created from Vendor Bill, or
  • created from VRA and there is no RMA linked to VRA.


The cost for PIC is a portion of VC item or expense line amount. The portion can be defined in SMT Purchase Invoice Credit Allocation Percentage (custcol_nbssmt_purch_inv_credit_perc) line column or in Purchase Invoice Credit Allocation Percentage SMT option if the former was not populated.

PIC costs can be replaced by Return to Vendor costs if later there is an RMA created and linked to the VRA the Vendor Credit is created from.

Purchase Invoice Credit (Project)

Return costs originating from Vendor Credit created from project related Purchase Order or Vendor Bill.

Next Chapter: Return To Stock
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