Sales Invoice Credit

Last updated

Sales Invoice Credit (SIC) is one of the SMT’s return scenarios. The anchor transaction is Credit Memo that is:

  • created from Invoice, or
  • created from Return Authorisation that has SMT Credit and Reinvoice Processing (custbody_nbssmt_credit_reinvoice_proc) ticked and is created from Invoice. Credit Memo, Return Authorization and Invoice must match on the line quantity level, otherwise this will be considered as return scenario and SMT Credit and Reinvoice Processing will be unticked.


Purchase Costs from linked Invoice are copied, proportioned, and reversed in SIC scenario. Only the costs linked to invoice lines that are also present on the credit are processed, plus any additional credit lines not directly linked to invoice lines.

Delivery costs linked to the invoice are proportioned based on the ratio between the total sales quantity of other non-delivery items from the same PO and credited quantity from the same invoice.

Non-delivery items are proportioned based on the ratio between CM and Invoice amounts.

In case the credit lines have COGS, this will override the cost copied from the invoice.

Also see section Reinvoicing.

Next Chapter: Purchase Invoice Credit
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