Return To Stock

Last updated

Return to Stock is a processing route assigned to return costs linked to a Return Authorization, if there is no Vendor Return Authorization linked. The Return Authorization can be created from SO, from Invoice or it can be standalone.

The final document for Return to Stock is Item Receipt and its related COGS.

Until the Item Receipt with COGS is created, or if IR does not have COGS, the margin calculation is in estimate stage and the cost is sourced from these sources, in this order of priority:

  1. Manual Cost from Credit Memo line
  2. Manual Cost from RA line
  3. COGS from Item Fulfillment – when this is a return of SO line processed with Selling from Stock route.
  4. PO/VB – if there is only one full VB then the cost is sourced from there, otherwise it is calculated as an average between the VBs, or between the PO and VB(-s) in case of partial billing.
  5. Item Average Price (Location Specific)
  6. Item Average Price
  7. Item Last Purchase Price (Location Specific)
  8. Item last Purchase Price
  9. Purchase Price


If there exists a linkable Vendor Return Authorization at the time of RA creation (or approval if required), the costs will be assigned Return to Vendor processing route.

Next Chapter: Return To Vendor
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