Calculation Lock

Last updated

Lock SMT Calculation

Select in which cases should SMT not calculate the margin. Leaving this field empty will have same effect as selecting “Never”.

Available options:

  • Never – default option, locking does not take place.
  • For Closed Periods – if the cost is linked to an Invoice (or Credit Memo for return scenarios), and this transaction is in a closed accounting period, the cost will not be created or updated, therefore the margin stays unaffected for that Invoice (or CM).
  • For Specific Periods – Same rules apply as for closed periods, but the periods are specified by user in “Select Periods” multiselect field which becomes available upon selection of this option.


Allow Override SMT Calculation Lock for Single Transaction

If this is enabled, user can override SMT Calculation Lock directly from transaction by checking “Allow Override SMT Calculation Lock”.

This option is available if “Lock SMT Calculation” is not set to “Never”.

Allow Override SMT Calculation Lock to Reach Final Values

If this is enabled, transaction can still reach final margin values even if it is locked for SMT Calculation due to the period. This is only applicable for the first reach of final value, not for final value update or estimate update.

This option is available if “Lock SMT Calculation” is not set to “Never”.

Assign Purchase Cost Difference to the Last Invoice (for Billing Schedules Only)

If Billing schedule over longer period is used, the correct purchase cost might not be assigned to invoices that are in the periods locked for SMT Calculation. This can happen if there is a purchase cost update after some of the scheduled Invoices have already been created. Only the invoices in periods that are not locked for SMT Calculation will have a portion of updated purchase cost assigned.

If this option is enabled, then the difference between actual purchase cost (with all updates considered) and assigned purchase cost (across all related invoices) will be assigned to the last scheduled invoice to match the actual cost.

Allow Locked Period Variances for Final Value

When this option is enabled: if the cost is locked due to the linked invoice being in closed (or selected for locking) period, and the final document (e.g., Vendor Bill) would cause change of the cost, then SMT will create a variance cost without the locked invoice. That way the updated purchase cost is still recorded but the margin on that invoice is not affected.

Allow Locked Period Variances for Estimate Updates

When this option is enabled: if the cost is locked due to the linked invoice being in closed (or selected for locking) period, and the transaction update would cause change of the cost in estimate stage, then SMT will create a variance cost without the locked invoice. That way the updated purchase cost is still recorded but the margin on that invoice is not affected.

Next Chapter: Suitebilling Processing
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