Suitebilling Processing

Last updated

SuiteBilling Unit Sell Price

Script ID of the custom column field for Unit Sell Price used on SuiteBilling Invoice.

The value in this field is expected to behave as rate, not amount (rate multiplied by quantity).

Only editable if Subscription Billing feature is enabled.

Unit Sell Price – Treat as Amount

By default, “SuiteBilling Unit Sell Price” is treated as rate, not amount. This option allows to treat it as amount, which means the value will be divided by quantity to calculate the rate.

SuiteBilling Unit Buy Price

Script ID of the custom column field for Unit Buy Price used on SuiteBilling Invoice.

The value in this field is expected to behave as rate, not amount (rate multiplied by quantity). This will be considered as unit purchase cost for purpose of SMT calculation.

Only editable if Subscription Billing feature is enabled.

Unit Buy Price – Treat as Amount

By default, “SuiteBilling Unit Buy Price” is treated as rate, not amount. This option allows to treat it as amount, which means the value will be divided by quantity to calculate the rate.

SuiteBilling Unit Buy Price Currency

Script ID of the custom column field for Unit Buy Price Currency used on SuiteBilling Invoice.

This will be considered as purchase cost currency for purpose of SMT calculation.

Use the full path as used in SuiteAnalytics Workbook, e.g., if purchase currency should be retrieved from transaction referenced in custom field “custrecord_nts_sb_po_ref_sl” which is on related Subscription Line then the full path would be:


If this option is not set then the purchase currency would be the same as sell currency, which is a currency on related Subscription.

Only editable if Subscription Billing feature is enabled.

Next Chapter: Intercompany Processing
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