Delivery Cost Estimates

Last updated

Allow Delivery Costs Estimates

When enabled, the user is allowed to add estimates for purchase delivery costs on Quotes (Estimates) or Sales Orders. A button “Add Delivery Cost Estimates” will be available in Items tab that opens a pop-up window to enter delivery estimates.

Add Delivery Cost Estimates pop-up window

Replace Delivery Costs by PO/VB

If enabled, delivery estimates entered on Sales Orders will be replaced if there is PO or VB line created that is linked to SO line 0. The replacement criteria can be further specified by a formula in “Replace Delivery Costs Formula” option. If the formula is empty, then any PO/VB line linked to SO line 0 will replace delivery estimates. This is to prevent duplication of costs where one would be an estimate entered manually and the other would be an actual delivery cost from PO/VB.


Replace Delivery Costs Formula

Formula in Oracle SQL syntax to identify delivery costs from PO/VB that should replace delivery estimates. This will be used as Formula (Numeric) added to a saved search. Formula should have the following format:

CASE WHEN <condition> THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

where 1 means "is a valid line to replace delivery estimate" and 0 means "is not a valid line".

Example: CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({}) IN ('OthCharge') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

If the formula is empty, then any PO/VB line linked to SO line 0 will replace delivery estimates.

Allow eInteract Vendor Shipping Lookup

When enabled, user has an option to lookup Vendor Shipping cost from Add Delivery Cost Estimates pop-up window, using eInteract logic (combination of Shipping method from SO and selected Vendor).

This option is only available when eInteract is installed and if Multicurrency NetSuite feature is enabled.

This adds a “Lookup eInteract Vendor Shipping for Current Line” button to the Add Delivery Cost Estimates window. To use the button, the Shipping Method (on Shipping tab) needs to be selected beforehand, and a Vendor needs to be selected in the Add Delivery Cost Estimates window.

Do Not Copy Delivery Costs

When SO or Estimate is copied, the delivery costs entered are copied too. By enabling this option, the delivery costs will be cleared when copying transactions.

Next Chapter: Foreign Currencies Processing
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