Return And Credit Process

Last updated

Restock Fee Column ID

Script ID of the custom column field for Restock Fee used on Return Authorization and Credit Memo.

The value in this field is expected to behave as rate, not amount (rate multiplied by quantity). This will be considered as unit purchase cost for purpose of SMT calculation.

Restock Fee is considered only in estimate phase of SMT Calculation and will be replaced by final document cost. Restock Fee from Credit Memo supersedes Restock Fee from Return Authorization.

Purchase Invoice Credit Allocation Percentage

Default percentage that will be used to allocate Vendor Credit line amount in Purchase Invoice Credit scenario. This value is sourced to Purchase Invoice Credit Allocation Percentage (transaction column) on Vendor Credit.

100% of Vendor Credit line amount is allocated if this field is left empty.

Return to Stock COGS Allocation Default Percentage

Default value that should be used to allocate COGS amount from Item Receipt in Return to Stock scenario if "Price Variance Percentage" was not specified on Item Receipt line.

If both line and default values are missing, 100% of COGS will be allocated.

For this option to take effect, "Use Allocation" on Return to Stock processing route must be enabled.

Disable Automatic Linking of VRA to RMA

Automatic linking of VRA to RMA is enabled by default. SMT tries to link VRA to RMA if it is possible to find a link via [Invoice,] SO, PO [, VB] lines. If some VRA line cannot be directly linked to RMA, but the other lines from that VRA can, this line will be linked to the same RMA as the directly linked lines, and to line 0.

If this option is turned on, the VRA can only be linked to RMA if the RMA and RMA line are specifically selected on VRA line in “Related Return Authorisation” and “Related Return Authorisation Line” fields.

Display Warning on VRA for Missing Related RMA

Display a warning in UI when user does not populate “Related Return Authorisation” and “Related Return Authorisation Line” fields on VRA.

The warning can be ignored, it does not prevent saving of VRA.

Allow Exact Linking Matches Only

Only applicable when "Disable Automatic Linking of VRA to RMA" is not selected.

If this is selected, then only the VRA lines, where the line-level link can be established via SO/Invoice-PO-VB line, will be automatically linked.

If the link was established manually (by selecting Related Return Authorisation and Line), this will be respected too if the selection is valid.

Manual selection of RMA is an expression of intent to link the RMA. If VRA line that cannot be directly linked to selected RMA has only RMA selected without RMA line, then this VRA line will be linked to RMA line 0, even if this option is enabled.

If this option is not selected: if there is at least one direct match between VRA and RMA lines, then all VRA lines without match will be linked to RMA line 0.

Do Not Link When RA is Created

Tick this box if you do not want to run automatic linking between Return Authorisation and Vendor Return Authorisation when RA is created. This could be done to optimize performance when VRAs are always created after RA. If this is enabled and RA was not linked to an existing VRA, they can still be linked manually on VRA lines if needed. Automatic linking triggered when VRA is created is not affected by this option.

Next Chapter: Calculation Lock
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