Processing Logic

Last updated

Cost Processing Routes

Select whether SMT should use specific update approach configurables for each processing route or to replace the existing costs every time a transaction is being created or updated in the transaction chain.

Available options:

  • Replace Original – always removes purchase cost records and replaces it with new ones. This was the only approach up until version 1.34. This option does not differentiate between processing routes, statuses, etc.
  • Use Processing Route Logic – recommended approach that tries to update the existing cost if possible and therefore maintains certain level of auditability. Costs are processed based on the processing route they are assigned to and the stage (status) of the calculation.


Allow Manual Override of Purchase Processing Route and Update Approach in UI

This allows the user to override the processing route and update approaches automatically assigned by SMT.

Transaction line fields "SMT Estimate Update Approach", "SMT Transfer to Final Value Approach", "SMT Final Value Update Approach" and "SMT Cost Processing Route" are editable in UI (+ other contexts) if this option is enabled. Fields are only editable in non-UI contexts if this is disabled.

This option is only applied if "Cost Processing Routes" is set to "Use Processing Route Logic" option.

Handle Special Order as Dropship

If this is enabled, Special Orders will not be differentiated from Drop Ship Orders and will be handled the same way - the final document will be Vendor Bill and the update approach from Drop-Ship processing route will be used.

If this is disabled, Special Orders will be treated differently than Drop Ship Orders. The final document will be Item Fulfillment and the update approach from Special Order processing route will be used.

This setting also applies on Intercompany scenarios.

Other Item Type

If the transaction line item is of the type selected in this option, the processing route assigned will be Selling Other Items (or Standalone Document with Other Items), unless they meet other processing routes criteria (e.g., part of Drop Ship order).

Shipping Cost Formula

Formula in Oracle SQL syntax to identify shipping costs. This will be used as Formula (Numeric) added to a saved search. Formula should have the following format:

CASE WHEN <condition> THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

where 1 means "is shipping cost" and 0 means "is not shipping cost".

Example: CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({}) IN ('OthCharge') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

A cost type “Shipping Cost” will be assigned to the purchase cost record if the search returns 1 for the line.

Next Chapter: Delivery Cost Estimates
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