Processing Options

Last updated

Calculate Margin on Unapproved Anchor Transaction

By default, SMT calculates the margin only on approved transactions. This option allows calculation on unapproved anchor transactions (SO, RMA, standalone Invoice/Credit Memo/Cash Sale). This option only affects anchor transactions, related transactions, e.g., Invoice (created from SO), or Vendor Bill still need to be approved to be considered for margin processing. This option will only consider Pending Approval status, whereas Rejected, Cancelled, Closed or Voided will be still excluded from processing.

Split Margin Among Sales Team Members

This option allows splitting of the calculated margin among the members of the sales team, based on their contribution. This is only available when the Team Selling feature is enabled. The margin portion assigned to a member of the sales team is tracked by SMT Sales Team Member Contribution custom records. These records are linked to anchor transactions and Invoices (created from SO).

Exclude Shipping Costs (Expenses)

Exclude Shipping Costs (Expenses from Purchase Orders, Vendor Bills, Vendor Return Authorizations and Vendor Credits) from the margin calculation.

Exclude Shipping Items from Billing Amount

If this is enabled (default option), NetSuite Shipping Items (shipping & handling) will not be included in the billing amount for margin calculation.

NOTE: This was called Exclude Shipping Items prior to version 1.43.4 where Exclude Shipping Items from Purchase Cost was introduced.

Exclude Shipping Items from Purchase Costs

If this is enabled (default option), NetSuite Shipping Items (shipping & handling) will not be part of the purchase costs in margin calculation and SMT Purchase Cost records will not be created for shipping & handling.

If this is disabled, Shipping Items will have SMT purchase cost records created, where the unit price will be their shipping/handling rate. There could be two separate cost records created, one for shipping and the other for handling.

These cost records would only be part of the purchase cost for anchor transaction (Sales Order, standalone Invoice, Credit Memo, Cash Sale), but not for related sales documents (e.g. Invoice). The reason for that is that while the shipping item gets carried over from SO to Invoice, the shipping lines are not technically linked in the NetSuite database.

Track Extra Bill Costs

By default, Vendor Bill lines that are not linked to PO lines are not processed by SMT. This option will allow to process them. If the bill line meets criteria defined in the Shipping Cost Formula option, then this will be marked as Shipping Cost. The extra lines will not be tracked from Bills created from multiple PO's.

Extra Bill lines are linked to the first Invoice.

“Price Variance Percentage” can be used on a bill line to specify what portion of this cost should be allocated (e.g., to not affect Sales Rep by mistake made by purchasing team).

Expense Lines are not considered as Extra Costs, they are controlled by “Exclude Purchase Expenses” option.

Display Margin at Line Level

Calculate and display margin at Line Level if this is enabled.

"SMT Margin Line Value" and "SMT Margin Line Percent" columns will be hidden if this option is disabled.

Line Margin Column

If “Display Margin at Line Level” is enabled, line margin is set to “SMT Margin Line Value” column by default. This option can be used to set the line margin to a different column.

Line Margin will be set to “SMT Margin Line Value” column and to column specified in this option. Only one column is allowed.

Adjust Sales Rate According to Expected Margin

If “Expected Margin Value” or “Expected Margin Percent” are populated on the anchor transaction line, the sales rate will be adjusted to match the expected margin based on the calculated purchase cost. If both columns are populated, then “Expected Margin Value” takes precedence. The expected margin columns are hidden when this option is disabled.

Also works on Invoices created from SO, but not on SuiteBilling Invoices.

Use Purchase Price Variance Percentage for Calculation

If this is enabled, then the difference between Purchase Order and Vendor Bill amount (online level) is split (allocated) based on the user-defined percentage on the Bill line. The portion of the difference (calculated from percentage) is added to the Purchase Order amount to determine purchase cost.

If this is not enabled, then the full Bill amount is considered as purchase cost.

If this option is enabled, user will be able to individually enable usage of allocation mechanism for specific processing routes on the SMT Cost Processing Route record.

If this option is disabled, the individual Cost Processing Route allocation configuration is ignored.

Only applicable for following processing routes:

Drop-Ship / Special Order
Return Process
Project to Cash

Allow Manual Override of Purchase Line Cost (Estimate Stage Only)

If this is allowed, user is allowed to manually override Purchase Line Cost on transaction lines. This value will replace the default cost sourcing for estimate stage of margin calculation. The manual cost is entered via “SMT Purchase Line Cost (Manual)” line field. The value is expected to be for the entire line quantity, that means SMT will divide it by quantity to calculate unit cost. 0 is a valid manual cost.

Allow Manual Override of Purchase Line Cost for these Item Types

Restrict entering of “SMT Purchase Line Cost (Manual)” column field for specific Item Types only. If nothing is selected, then any item type can use manual cost.

Keep Manual Cost from Estimate

By default, when Sales Order, Cash Sale or Invoice are created from Estimate (Quote), the Manual Cost entered on Estimate line is cleared and must be re-entered if needed. This option allows you to keep the manual cost when Estimate is being transformed. Option is only available when Estimates are enabled in NetSuite.

Manual Cost Formula (SuiteAnalytics)

This option is a formula that when selected SMT will use its result instead of the Manual Cost if Manual Cost is not specified (empty). If the formula returns a numeric value (including 0), it will be used as Manual Cost. The result of the formula will not be set into Manual Cost column.

The formula must be in Oracle SQL syntax that works in SuiteAnalytics.

SuiteAnalytics require a different syntax in some cases, e.g., line quantity in Saved Search formula would be {quantity}, whereas in SuiteAnalytics it must be {transactionlines.quantity}.

Do not include division by quantity, SMT will divide the result of the formula by line quantity to determine unit purchase cost.

If you are using line quantity in the formula, use its absolute value since Saved Search and SuiteAnalytics treat quantity differently (e.g., quantity for SO line is positive in Saved Search, but negative in SuiteAnalytics).

If you only want to use formula in certain cases, construct it to return null in other cases.

It is recommended to test the formula first in a sample SuiteAnalytics dataset. However, if you need to construct a formula that returns null in certain cases, and a numeric value in others, SuiteAnalytics dataset user interface will not allow you to return null because it requires “ANY” as return type which is not available in UI (as of 2023.2 NS release). For testing of correctness of the formula in UI, replace null with some artificial numeric value, e.g., -1. For actual formula set in SMT Config it is safe to use null.

Manual Cost Formula (Saved Search)

Saved Search formula is only used by “Return to Stock COGS Variance” feature. It does not need to be populated if this SMT feature is disabled.

Use this formula to use its result instead of the Manual Cost if Manual Cost is not specified (empty). If the formula returns a numeric value (including 0), it will be used as Manual Cost. The result of the formula will not be set into Manual Cost column.

The formula must be in Oracle SQL syntax that works in Saved Search, e.g., line quantity in Saved Search formula would be {quantity}, whereas in SuiteAnalytics it must be {transactionlines.quantity}.

Do not include division by quantity, SMT will divide the result of the formula by line quantity to determine unit purchase cost.

If you are using line quantity in the formula, use its absolute value since Saved Search and SuiteAnalytics treat quantity differently (e.g., quantity for SO line is positive in Saved Search, but negative in SuiteAnalytics).

If you only want to use formula in certain cases, construct it to return null in other cases.

SMT Script Role

By default, the SMT User Event scripts are using Sales Margin Tracker Script Role (set in Execute as Role in Script Deployments). If this role was customized to add some extra permissions (e.g., Subscriptions), select that role here and the deployments of the SMT scripts will be automatically updated once the SMT Config is saved. If the field is empty, then the default role is used.

Cutover Date

This option is to support upgrading from SMT version 1.33 or older (written in SuiteScript 1.0) to a newer version. Anchor transactions created on or after this date will be processed by latest version of SMT, whereas transactions created before it will continue to be processed by old SMT.

Next Chapter: Processing Logic
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